Chapter 22

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I stood there frozen behind the counter still hand in hand with Noodle. People leaving and coming in was hectic too. But why was she here? and why now? I looked behind me basically saw fumes coming out of Noodle. I squeezed her hand and pulled her out of the shop. I put my hands on her face to help her calm down.

"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE!" Noodle screamed as we made it to the alley next to the shop. I took a deep breath and looked at Noodle.

"I have no clue. She said she was leaving." Noodle stomped and I could tell she wanted to do something but before she could I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned around to face the person, it was Marie of course.

"What are you doing here?" I asked keeping Noodle away from her.

"I was here to visit family. My cousin is getting married and she wanted me to get flowers from here. I wasn't expecting you to be here. I'm sorry." She told us.

"Well you could've just gotten the flowers and left. Why are you here talking to us?"

"B-Because I miss you (Y/N)...." That's when her eyes ventured to my left hand. "Oh, I see i'm too late." She got choked up. I sighed then I saw as Noodle passed by me. She looked up at Marie, okay more like glared.

"(Y/N) is my fiance now. So you can leave, she will never be yours ever again. You hurt her and i'll never let you do that shit again. So leave. Go to your cousin's wedding whatever. But leave (Y/N) alone." She growled then Marie walked away, her head hung low. Noodle turned back to me and grabbed my hand to pull me to her go-cart.

I sat down watching passing trees before we made it to Kong studios. Mudz and Russ helped us bring my stuff to Noodle's room. By the time we were done it was already dinner time. Russ just ordered fast food. Me and Noodle just brought our food to our room.

"I'm sorry babes." She told me laying on my lap as I finished the rest of my burger.

"Don't be, she said she'd leave but she came back. To my store too." I assured her as I brought a piece of her hair behind her ear. She took my hand and kissed the edge of my palm. I giggled as she got up and kept kissing up my arm to my neck then she started to tickle me. I laughed like crazy as she tickled my sides. I kicked and screamed as we rough housed.

After about 30 minutes of wrestling Noodle and I were laying down over the covers. Our chests against each other as I drew different shapes on her chest with my finger.

"I can't wait to marry you, you know that?" Noodle tells me as I look up into her eyes.

"I can't wait either, both of our families will be there. But I don't think my parents should go..." I admitted to her. She brought her fingers under my chin and kissed me.

"If you don't want them there then we won't invite them. Promise." She smiled before she kissed me again. I laid my head down and cuddled into her chest, I felt as her arms went around me and then she kissed my forehead.

"Good night my love." She tells me before we both fall asleep.

*(Y/N)'s Dreamy land*

I opened my eyes and I was at an alter. I had my (f/c) wedding dress on and some flowers in my hand. I looked at the person from across from me and it wasn't Noodle. It was my mom grabbing me and pulling me away. I was fighting and fighting. Kicking, punching, screaming but I just couldn't get out of her grasp.

"Let go! Please Mom! I love her!" I yelled and I looked down, my dress was.... falling apart? I cried as my mother was just silent.

"Mom... please...." Then the next thing I knew my vision was turning black and white.....

*back to earth lol*

I woke up in a puddle of sweat. I looked next to me and Noodle was looking at me with worry in her eyes.

"Baby? Are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep, I am worried." She asked me.

"I-I'm fine.... can we talk about it tomorrow?" I asked her and she nodded. I got off the bed so Noodle could change the soaked sheets. As she did I got in the shower to clean myself off.

As I was in the shower I heard Noodle come in. "So, baby, I have been thinking a lot lately..."

"Yeah, wait is it?" I asked as I got out of the shower.

"What if we move out after the wedding? Like get our own house and have kids? Pets?"

"W-What? You really want to own a house with me?" I asked her. She nodded and I squealed and dropped my towel to hug and kiss her.  She hugged me back then sat me down so I could get dressed. She left the bathroom and I just stared at myself in the bathroom. I brought my left hand over my right arm. And sighed before I got fully dressed. I walked out to the bedroom and hopped into bed with Noodle and quickly fell asleep.


I AM SORRY SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED ANYTHING IN A MONTH! My online school started and my birthday was a couple pf days ago so I have been really busy. Again I am sorry about that and I made this one a decent length for you all.

I will really try to post more.

Again sorry and I LOVE YOU MY LOVIES! 

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