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"I truly think this might be the most idiotic thing you've ever done," Grayson voices. Her eyes narrow and she gazes down at Elijah, shaking her head.

"If you think it's idiotic, why are you helping me?" Elena counters.

"I'm not," Grayson argues. "You pulled me out of bed and said it was an emergency. You tricked me, stupid."

"Well," Elena folds her arms over her chest with a smug smile. "You're involved now, so you can't back out."

"Don't tempt me," the Hunt grumbles.

Both girls jerk in surprise when Elijah's body spasms. Elena furrows her eyebrows, shuffling closer.

"Elena," Grayson warns.

Before either girl can make a move, Elijah's body spasms again and he moves into a standing position, gasping for air. "I can't— I can't breathe! What's happening to me?" He uses his speed to try to exit the cellar but he slams into the doorway, his chest heaving.

"Okay, okay," Grayson takes pity on him. "Calm down."

"I can't...I can't be in this house," he says.

Grayson nods, her eyebrows raised. "Thank you, captain obvious."

"Grayson," Elena chastises.

"Get me out of here," he growls. He slams into another wall and then disappears all together, leaving the two girls to bask in his absence.

"Come on," Elena grabs Grayson's wrist and hurries out of the cellar, coming to a quick stop when she sees Elijah outside the front door, crouching down. His features morph into a glare and he gets up, attempting to lunge at Elena but the invitation barrier stops him.

"Nice try," Grayson squints.

"What happened?" He demands.

"Ask a little nicer and you might actually get an answer," Grayson sasses.

"Shh!" Elena hushes both of them, signaling to her that Stefan and Damon can hear them if they get too loud. "I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?"

"Can I trust you?" He counters.

Grayson shakes her head, her eyes widening when Elena hands over the dagger.

The Gilbert girl trudges out of the house, pausing to look over her shoulder at Grayson. "Coming?"


Grayson leans forward from the backseat when Elena parks her car, both girls staring at Elijah with an expectant look. He stays silent, drinking from the blood bag the Gilbert girl had for him. "Um," Grayson clears her throat, scrambling for the words to say. "You look not dead for a dead guy."

Elena sighs, "she means you look better."

"Where did you get the dagger?" He ignores their— very nice compliments— as Grayson will later put it.

"I'll tell you everything," Elena promises. "But we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word."

"Your ability to make demands has long passed,"

"No demands," the human says. "I'm offering you my help. And in return, I want yours."

"And why should I even consider this?"

"The same reason that you haven't killed me. You need my help to kill Klaus. And I need you." Her phone buzzes and she huffs, pressing the accept call button and holding the device to her ear.

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