Chapter 2

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Unfortunately, Odd woke up the next morning from a deep, dreamless slumber. A part of him was glad for it; he finally got that good night's sleep he had been chasing for over a month. The other part of him, however, had been hoping to find out more about his Dream Girl. Maybe they could've taken the next step together and she'd reveal what she looked like.

He realized very quickly how ridiculous that sounded. It's not like she was real. She was a figment of his imagination. He didn't want to be upset that he didn't get to help her out with whatever task she needed him for, but the idea of being hailed a hero was really getting to him. He didn't want to believe it was all he was good at, but if he wasn't a brainiac like Jeremie or as good looking as Ulrich, who didn't even have to try to grab the attention of a nearby hottie, what else did he have?

Lyoko. Lyoko had been a constant part of their lives for over a year now and yes, it was exhausting and annoying and terrifying to still be doing this, but damn, did it feel good to save his classmates from near-death experiences. They might not remember the whole ordeal by the next day, but Odd remembered; he would never forget these experiences.

It wasn't until the next night, when he had all but forgotten the whole Dream Girl episode, that he saw her again. Well, more like heard, but he finally got a good visual of her as well, just like he had hoped.

Odd had just drifted off to sleep, holding Kiwi close to him again, but keeping his mind light and free of any other distractions. He didn't bother thinking about the classes he was already failing or the homework he had piled up on the desk he shared with Ulrich; he didn't give much thought to the fact that there had been no new X.A.N.A. attacks lately, which Yumi was grateful for but Jeremie was highly suspicious of; and last but not least, he rid himself of all thoughts surrounding the new girl he had been trying to get with who suddenly decided (or learned) that Odd was a player and didn't deserve her, or her best friend, who he may have been courting at the same time.

Guess that meant he was available for "connecting", because that's when his Dream Girl came a-ringing.

It wasn't pitch black dark this time, but it also took Odd a while to figure out what exactly he was looking at.

He was seeing Lyoko. But, also not Lyoko.

That doesn't make any sense.

Wait no, it was Lyoko, but not in any sector; it was the inside of a tower. That's right, he could recognize the blue background and the serial numbers that only Jeremie and Aelita really understood. He never knew what a series of ones and zeroes could tell someone.

Oh great, his sub-conscious echoed back. Another Lyoko dream.

'Oh, thank the Stars, Odd, you're back!' The voice on the other end sounded different from two nights ago. She sounded weaker and more desperate. Her voice matched the state of her face. She was pale-skinned and blotchy, her eyes were blood-shot red, her cheeks were sharp and high. Despite all that though, Odd couldn't help but notice she still had a beauty to her.

'Uh, don't you mean you're back, Mystery Girl?' Odd chuckled, though he felt a tight knot in the back of his throat.

Just the other day, he had wondered if this girl was at all related to Lyoko and now here she was, sitting in the center of a Lyokian tower, staring back at him with wide, panicky eyes.

'My name is Saphire.' She reminded him.

'I remember.' He smiled. 'Hard to forget a girl like you.'

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