Chapter 36

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Jean, the librarian, shot Aelita and Saphire a kind smile once they made their presence known in the room. Aelita smiled back politely, but Saphire kept her head down, face hidden by a dark curtain of hair.

Aelita guided Saphire to a table near the door. The library was fairly empty, there was a pair of teachers, not ones Aelita had yet, searching for books in the History section. Walking past them, hand-in-hand were Naomi N'Guyen and Paul Gaillard, wearing smiling flushed faces, headed for the back of the library. Aelita's cheeks flamed at the thought of their activities in the back corner.

Aelita turned back to Saphire. She had her book out on the table, but it remained closed. She reached forward and took her hand. Saphire didn't push her away, but she also didn't move to hold her hand.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around to talk these last few days."

"Do not apologize, dear sister." Saphire looked up at her. "You are busy with our own life. I am simply grateful to be in your presence."

"Still," Aelita smiled, feeling a little awkward listening to her formal tone. "if you're going through something, I want you to know it's okay to talk to me about it. I know you've had a difficult transition with Yumi not totally on board with having you in the group and everything being so different around here. I know my first month was hard and long and confusing, but I got through it and so can you."

Saphire squeezed her hand back. "Thank you for your kind words."

Aelita could tell she was still upset though.

"Do you want to talk about what just happened back there? Odd...can be a little insensitive sometimes. He's like a child, but you have to understand, he means no harm."

Saphire looked away, staring at the bookshelves for a long time.

"I am not upset with Odd. I am just...tired," She blew out a long breath of air. "of continuously explaining who I am, where I came from, where my parents are. The constant reminder that they are lost somewhere and I have no access to them..."

Saphire turned her head back to look at Aelita.

"Does it not pain you the same way?" Her face crumbled. "I am beyond happy to have found you, but I desired a full family reunion. I have dreamed of it for so long now, I fear it may be a useless dream."

"Oh, Saphire." Aelita's heart squeezed in her chest. How could she tell Saphire that her dream would never come true? She couldn't. Not when she was so upset, not when they were sitting in Saphire's safe space. "We will all be together one day. I'm sure of it."

"I wanted to give you everything you lost when you were...displaced on Lyoko. But the more time I spend here, the quicker I am beginning to realize I have...nothing to give you." A tear trickled down Saphire's right eyes, falling onto Aelita's knuckle.

"That is not true." Aelita swiped her thumb across Saphire's cheek. "You have love and kindness and the determination to succeed. And we have each other." She held both of Saphire's hands in hers. "Together, we can rebuild the life that we both lost."

Saphire didn't look as happy as Aelita figured she would be.

"Isn't that enough?" She asked.

"You have your own life here though." Saphire bit down on her lip. "And I have intruded it. I never even stopped to ask if you wanted me here. I-"

"How could you even ask such a thing?" She whispered feverishly. "You're my sister. We belong together, and for eleven whole years, we weren't. It doesn't matter if we have to keep it a secret or if we don't look alike; we shared one father, one mother, and that makes us family. Maybe not the most conventional one," She laughed softly. "but it's still one that counts."

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