Chapter 20

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Niles with Markus by his side, walked down the Jericho hall to go into the corridor at the ground floor. Curious and suspicious looks in his direction the current inhabitants passing by or sitting nearby gave him, didn't surprise him. He tried not to be bothered. That's why he let Markus lead him in silence to the room he should register in. It was peaceful and no one disrupted their march.

The Jericho leader stopped in front or the door with a "Registration Room" written on it, and he raised his hand to connect with the opening panel. The door slid to the side and they entered. Niles scanned the surroundings - it wasn't big, in the middle of it stood a desk made of screen, easier in use for androids, on the walls was hanging a placement of rooms with names and models of deviants occupying them. There were many empty columns indeed.

The artificial light scattered the darkness, when the door opened.

"There are no windows in here," Niles noticed.

"For safety reasons. Here are all current and ex inhabitants' data," he stated, turning his face to him. "You see, we don't want anybody to break in and steal the valuable informations," he explained.

"Doesn't the entrance panel make it easier for androids to come in?" He asked, remembering the screen next to the door.

"No." Markus shook his head. "Only I, Simon, North and Josh have an access here. We often check the system's efficiency to be sure everything works fine."

Niles nodded, receiving the informations. He was impressed with so thought over action.

Markus lay his hand on the screen in the centre, peeling off his artificial skin for those few seconds. The panel shined, showing an allowance to access. Different data ran through the electronic desk, most probably powering on all the needed algorithms to register a new inhabitant.

"Okay," Markus spoke up again, moving his hand away. "You can start."

Niles approached the panel slowly, watching for a moment things happening on it. The blue light was pulsing, waiting for the android to connect with it, so he put his hand on the desk, reaviling the white metal underneath.

The informations the system needed, were absorbed by it, analysing and putting them in the correct columns. Niles knew now, why this room was so secured and checked. Nobody wanted the data like a function of an android, who was their master before or if they were damaged in any way, even the civil status to be in the improper hands, where it could be used in destructively. A knowledge of others' weaknesses could do many.

In the end, a notification popped up, saying about a successful gathering or data and which room he had been assigned. A sound peep that came from the right side, made him look that way. He took his hand away from the panel and approached one of the screens on the wall.

3rd Floor, Room number 389 - Niles, an RK900 Model, #313 248 317 - 87 Mark (I)

He blinked a few times, seeing the floor he'd live in. Why?

He turned to Markus, who smiled at him slightly.

"You'll be fine on your own, right?"

"Of course." Niles smiled wryly, uncertain if it was a good idea to go alone.

However, he wasn't going to tell Markus about his apprehensions.

"Good." He nodded. "Across from here is the Main Hall," he announced, motioning at the correct door with his head, when they left the room. "We usually meet here with the inhabitants every couple of days. I think it'll be the most proper place, where Connor can explain all the complicated situation." He shook his head sadly, closing the door with the panel. Niles watched him and his mood change at the mention of the events.

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