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There i was standing by the front doors. Anthony walked in and gathered them all in the living room they were all confused but he texted me to knock on the door. All i could here was who sounded like bryce coming to the door. When he opened it he stood there shocked. After that addison asked who was there and he didnt reply so she came. Once she saw me she screamed and tackled me. Everyone came running and then the other girls other than mads tackled me. After five minutes i got up and hugged everyone minus jaden and mads. Jaden went inside with mads following and i rolled my eyes.
"Hi" i said
i got lots of his and questions.
I have been planning with anthony to surprise you all i replied and they all nodded and we made small talk and eventually they helped me bring my suitcase upstairs. The girls stayed in the guest room to help unpack but when we walked out we heard mads and the boys talking.
Why is she even here mads said then all the girls looked at me and i motioned for them to be quiet so we could here and they did.
Because i planned it anthony said
Well no one likes her she was never invited said mads.
Thats when the boys noticed us but i shushed them but mads was facing away.
Why are you all quiet mads asked.
Thats when i cut in And said because your annoying.
She turned around and widen her eyes then said shut up.
What your all talk until i come down here i said. She stayed quiet so i said listen i dont know what your problem is but get over yourself the earth doesnt revolve around you and unlike you im not going to be rude and say bad things about you while im here i wont talk to you you dont talk to me that easy i said. She started acting preppy and rolled her eyes and said you cant tell me what to do all ill say whatever i want.
Do what u want but just know you make a rude comment or get on my nerves enough i will not hesitate to beat the crap out of you i smiled then sat in the couch across from her while everyone including jaden held in there laugh.
It went quiet for a while then she said your gonna let her talk to me like that to jaden and i started laughing. She asked why i was laughing and i said you treat jaden like a dog. she scoffed and rolled her eyes. After she said how is that and i said you cant handle your own battles you have to cry and throw a fit until mr crabby pants sticks up for you and by the looks of it not alot of people tell you off because everyone in this room including your dog was holding in there laughs while i said that. After that she stompted of and went into what i assume was jadens room so i spoke up and said also jaden i have nothing against you your just always in a bad mood and constantly follow her rediculous rules thats why. he just nodded so i looked at the girls and we all laughed and headed upstairs to unpack what i didnt earlier.

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