in a rush

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            SIGNAS POV

My dad gave me a worried look and i rushed over.

Dad this is quick notice but remember that friend i said need me in california, he nodded, well he needs me hes really upset and how fast do you think i could get in that apartment i questioned

well its already there it just needs decoraded and some furniture he said

Dad do you think you could book the sooonest flight to la while i pack some things and also text me the apartment info i need to hurry he might hurt his self. he nodded and i ran upstairs. I threw my laptop, phone charger, airpod, and all my essentials in a backpack. I grabbed my second suitcase and put all my toiletries and makeup in it along with shoes. In my final suitcase i packed all the clothes i could fit. In my purse i had the basics. It took me an hour to pack and after i ran downstairs.

Hey dad hey eliza um dad did u get it booked and if so what time i questioned.

Oh i got it booked and we should get going really soon i called about your car and they can get it there safely but lets get your suitcases. We loaded up and to be polite i offered for Eliza to come also. She accepted and soon after we got there my dad helped me get my stuff. They called my plane and i hugged my dad quickly and gave Eliza a quick hug and said my goodbyes.

Bye love you dad see you soon thank you bye i said as i ran off.



Jaden has been locked in his room for a few hours. He wont let anyone in and i know he drunk and high because we can smell it. Were all worried but he wont let us in, we know hes alive because he will mumble responses to us. We have all tried to get him to eat or drink water but he refuses. Addison said she had one thing that might work but wouldnt tell us and ran off on a call she came back soon later and said she couldnt say anything right now. Its been a few hours and Addison got a text and said she would be back and ran out. We all gave eachother weird looks and chased after her but she yelled stay here with jaden i will be back in 30.

            Signas pov

I texted addison letting her know i ws landing and she didnt even know i was coming because i forgot to text her. As soon as i got off i hurried and got my things and made it to the exit. When i got there i heard my name and turned to addison running to me. She grabbed my other suitcase and we ran to the car and loaded up fast. We made it to sway in around 10 minutes she told me i could go in that it was unlocked and she would have the boys help her get my stuff.

Anthonys pov

Its been around 25 minutes since addison left oddly and someone came in the door. We all turned around to see addison and signa. Signs ran upstairs while addison explained.

mentions of suicide if this bothers some scroll past until theres a         ⚠⚠⚠

              Jadens pov

They have been trying to get me ti eat, stop drinking, go to sleep, anything but i couldn't. They've knocked so many times and its grtting annoying. Its been quiet for 20 minutes meaning me and my thoughts alone again. I was getting to the point where i was going to do bad things, like cutting, i know signa said not to but i feel numb, like its not worth it. Just then my thoughts got inturupted by a knock.

I said i dont want to eat please just leave me alone i said

Please open the door a sweet signa said.

I immediatly got up and opened the door.

⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠  over  ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠

             Signas pov

He yelled he didnt want food and i asked him to open the door. I heard shuffling around and he opened the door, it reeked of alcohol and weed, i didnt say anything i just walked in. When i did i saw broken glass every where.

I turned and saw him looking at me. He was having a panick attack and his breathing was slowing. Jaden jae calm down.

I i cant he said please jae match with me breath in and out we did that for a while and he started to calm down. He was crying into my shoulder for about 10 minutes before i spoke up.

Hey bubs i want you to go take a shower and leave the door unlocked so i can get you some clothes ok. i said and he nodded.

ill bring your clothes in there soon while i go talk to addison get washed up please he nodded and started walking away.

By the way we can talk after you get out ok he nodded and walked out.

Addisons pov

Signa came walking down amd we all looked at her.

Ok so i need everyones help she said and we nodded. We followed her upstairs and saw his room and our eyes widen. WOW he destroyed it.

Ok so hes in the shower so addison do you think you could wash the sheets on his bed and a few pairs of clothes. While the rest of us clean this up and im probably going to get him to sleep in the guest bedroom so he isnt alone. They all nodded and agreed.


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