22: age of trouble

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I take a glance at Tony who flew up to the base, bouncing off its force field hard.

"Language!" Steve says, speeding through the woods on his bike, "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield."  Tony's buddy responds, "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra bases."

The rest of us were down on the ground, right by the edge of the base, taking out every single defense they had. Everyone had the same goal but their own agenda. Nat jumped from car to car to take them out, Clint hid behind the trees, Thor and Hulk took lead offense on ground while I stayed with Steve circling around the area, watching his back.

Thor speaks through our team's earpiece, "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it." I see him mess with his hammer, hitting one of the enemies right in the face before bringing it back to his grip. "At long last."

Natasha pipes in. "At long last is lasting a little long, boys."

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint continues.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"" Tony says while still flying in the air, sending all of us subtly chuckling.

"I know." Steve says as I hop off his bike, shooting some enemies around me with cold blades before Steve threw his bike at a incoming car. "It just slipped."

I've learned a few new things while starting on the mission.  I've discovered how to make my abilities deadlier by shaping them other than just blasting ice. It's been really helpful.

As I do some more damage, I take cover behind a tree, peeking up at Tony. Some of HYDRA's weapons are mindlessly blasting in the air and I hear it landing far off into the city, with it taking the casualty.

I place a hand on my earpiece to send him the message, "Tony, I think the city's taking damage."

"I'm sure Strucker won't worry about civilian casualties. Jarvis, send in the Iron Legion." He responds, "Nice catch Ice Queen."

I give a quick smile to myself before pushing in further into the woods. I see Clint hiding right across for me as he aims for the machine in the back. He gives me the eye between me and his arrow that he has ready, telling me to back him up as he shoots.

I give him a nod and get ready, he releases his finger and we wait for it to blow up, but nothing happens. He does it again, but this time a blue flash sends is both in the air and hard on the ground.

The blue flash comes to a halt in front of us, revealing a Sokovian man casually walking, "You didn't see that coming?" He says cockily, before flashing off again into a blur.

Clint and I stood back up in shock, trying to get the man, but he disappears. We were both distracted when suddenly the machine we were about to destroy fires towards us and I quickly dodge it. But Clint takes the hit.

"Clint!" I run up to him as he laid on the ground in pain. I turn to the machine and blast it with all my might, freezing up the whole area. I turn my attention back to Clint, "Guys, Clint's hit!" I place my palm slightly above his wound and try my best to cover it up, "This should help for now."

Another car surprises us from behind about to come straight to us, but Hulk comes in between and smashes it into pieces. "Thank you." I tell him.

"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve says through the earpiece and I assume he's met the blonde Sokovian boy too.

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