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Death is the inevitable and unavoidable conclusion to life. Someone long ago said that upon birth, we're committed to a life sentence. We never know when we'll die, or how, but we know it will happen. We react differently to death. Some are so consumed by grief and agony that they nearly succumb themselves. Others take a moment to reflect on life. I tend to put my thoughts into words, as I don't emote physically often. Like I always said "Every breath you take is a step towards death." Life slips away second by second. Everyday brings us closer to death.

All my life I have been fascinated by death, in all its guises. I have worried and picked at it, like a scab, which, though it hurts, you can't help but nag and tweak.

Often, when I got up in the morning, I found myself thinking "Is it going to happen today?" Again and again, when taking my daily swim in the sea, when I was a young child, I often found myself musing, "Am I going to drown this time?" I rarely travel in a car without imagining it crashing, or see a plane flying, without thinking, „"s it going to fall from the sky?"

However, I don't think I've ever been afraid of death, in fact, it's the reverse. Sometimes it would be a most welcome relief.

I have imagined many more deaths for myself, being mugged and shot, tripping and hitting my head on the pavement, choking on my own puke, a brain tumor, an aneurysm, a drug overdose, electrocution, choking on a piece of meat, throwing myself in front of a train, blowing my brain out, a house fire, but I have never imagined something supernatural.

I remember when I was eight years old, mom got home late. She acted weird and ignored us. No 'Good to see you kids-kiss'. No „How was school?" Nothing. She just went to bed. Dad knew what happened. He knew about everything but he never told Tess or me. "You're too young" he said all time. "You gotta find out sooner or later."

Mum acted weird since that night. I thought that maybe she was sick. It could've been a flu. But it was the bite. The same bite that I got a year ago. The bite that changed my life. The bite that changed everything. I think I was twelve when mum and dad told us about the supernatural. That werewolves are real. I believed that Santa Clause was real, again. But dad told me otherwise. Mum showed us her eyes and fangs but never her full werewolf. She said that we wouldn't look at her the same way. It was quite hard for me to understand everything. It was like a fairy tale. Not until the day. It was the 16th December. I was home alone. Tess was out with friends, while dad and mum were over at some friends houses. The phone rang. It was mum. "Amber?" she whispered. "Amber?" she said again, louder. "Mom?" I asked.

"Hey honey. How are you?" she asked. "I'm okay but what's wrong? You sound different..." I questioned. I didn't get an answer for a few seconds, not until I heard the gun shot. "MOM?" I said louder. "Promise me, you gotta stay safe, okay?"


"Amber! Promise me- promise you won't take the bite, promise" she mumbled.

I heard another shot. My eyes started watering and soon I cried. "Okay mom. I promise. I promise" I cried.

I heard her coughing a few times. "I love you, Amber. And tell Tess to keep you safe."

She choked for air and coughed. "MOM!" I screamed. But nothing.


My funeral is already planned. I have never liked the idea of being buried underground, slowly decomposing into rancid ooze. I want my ashes thrown into the air. I want to be free, feel free.

Outside, in the wake of the first days, my grave will be visited frequently. As time passes, fewer people will come. Decades later, there will be no one.

Well, that's what I thought.

"Come on, Amber! Open your eyes!" someone screamed. "Open!"

I felt warm arms, wrapping around my shoulders, shaking me. "You have to be strong!"

I opened my eyes and got blinded by the brightness. All I could see was a bright light. The light they were all talking about. The one you see at the end of the tunnel.

"Welcome back to life, Amber."

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, blinking a few times. I finally focused on the surroundings. The room was filled with absolutely nothing. Just white walls.


I turned my head around and saw an unknown woman, kneeling right beside the bed that I was currently laying in.

"Who are you?" I mumbled,

"I'm Asa. I'm a healer," she replied.

Her bright green eyes were familiar, but I couldn't remember a thing. Maybe I had seen her on the streets, or in a shopping mall, maybe in a café. But I had to know her, or else she wouldn't know me.

"I don't... I don't understand. Am I dreaming? Is this heaven?" I asked confused.

"No, you're not dreaming, Amber. You're alive. I brought you back."


"I used to be the healer of your mom's pack. Some packs have healers, in case someone gets hurt and they can't heal. I left Paradise once the whole back was dead, including your parents. But something draw me here. I didn't know what or why. But I know now. It was the nemeton. It's drawing every kind of supernatural here. It brought me back. And then I saw you and your pack. You got the bite."

"I didn't want to," I replied.

"I know. You promised your mother. But I kept watching you, knowing that I had to be there for you. I saw what was happening to you. You were slowly losing your powers, day by day, hour by hour. It was only a matter of time, before something would've happened. You've always been the girl to walk right into trouble. I've been looking for a way to bring your powers back, but I couldn't find any."

"But why bring me back? Did you bring Allison back as well?!" I raised my voice in hope, but her face showed that she didn't.

"No, I can only bring back the one's with unnatural powers."

"But I lost them. I'm only human," I replied confused.

"Are you?" she asked and turned her head. I followed her gaze and looked straight into a mirror. The ice cold blue eyes were staring back at me, the one's that I thought were gone forever. "How?!"

"You've gone through death, Amber. Death changes a lot of things."

"So, where am I?"

"I took you far away from Beacon Hills. You can't go back there anymore, Amber. I'm sorry," she apologized.

"What do you mean, I can't go back? My friends are there! They're the only family I have left!"

"I know. But there is something that is trying to find you. They're probably looking for your dead body now and once they find an empty grave, they'll realize that you're not dead. They'll keep looking for you. You're the one thing they've been trying to accomplish the whole time. They want your body, Amber. And they don't care if they bring you back alive or dead."

"What are you talking about?"

"The nemeton is drawing a lot of things to Beacon Hills. I can't tell you more. If I do so, you'll just come running back to Beacon Hills. So promise me not to come back. It's going to be too dangerous for you. I promise you, once this is all over, I'll tell you everything. Until then, you have to stay hidden."

"Okay," I mumbled as a tear rolled down my face. "Okay. I won't go back to Beacon Hills."

So ... I guess it's not over!
I'll be posting the first part on Monday!

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