Arrest me? Maybe later

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A/N: I have no idea when I'll be updating this next cos I'm having top surgery on Friday!!!Perhaps I shall whack out a new chapter tomorrow / this evening but I've got no idea


Lauren groaned at the sunlight suddenly streaming into her room. She cracked an eye open to see her mother standing at her window, hands on her hips and an eyebrow raised. The epitome of disappointment.

"Laur, can you keep your late night exploits to your room please?" She said with a huff.

"What?" Lauren groaned, rolling onto her back and rubbing the heel of her hands into her eyes; a steady pounding forming quickly.

She flinched as something soft landed on her face. She moved her hands and felt a hot blush on her cheeks. She sat up and blinked at the plain black bra sitting in her lap.

"At least your brother keeps it in his room." Her mum said, folding her arms over her chest. Lauren just frowned down at the bra.

"I... don't remember bringing anyone home." Lauren mumbled, closing her eyes as the room spun a little. "I didn't... that didn't happen last night. Pretty sure I'd know." She added with a sigh.

Her mum relaxed and pointed to her bedside table.

"Normani's going to be here soon, so take some aspirin. Dinah mentioned a meeting with the Seniors today." Her mum said before leaving Lauren's bedroom. Lauren flopped back onto the bed and groaned.

She hated meeting with the Jauregui Seniors. The meetings always dragged on and were deadly boring.

Maybe if she tuned out long enough she'd just die of boredom herself.


Camila had had a very different wake up call.Namely by Detective Diaz banging on her front door. She'd scrambled to find something vaguely smart to put on for her briefing with Charlie and had apologised profusely as they walked to the elevator.

"Major crimes keep you out late last night?" Diaz asked once they'd made it into the elevator.

Camila's eye twitched.

"Something like that." She replied slowly, trying to control the flush creeping up her neck towards her cheeks.

The bike ride to Major Crimes was as quiet as usual, a little hard to talk on a motorbike and Diaz was yet to get bluetooth headsets for the helmets.

Camila had waved her goodbye to Diaz who had then taken off for the 99. Camila promptly reached for her wallet in her back pocket and froze.

It wasn't there. She glanced around the street but there was no one around her. She frowned as she walked into the building, heading up to Charlie's new office on autopilot; he'd been promoted to Sergeant after the success of the trial and with promotion came an office.

She went over her rushed movements of the morning and frowned. She hadn't even seen her wallet in her apartment, let alone put it in her pocket.

The usual bustle of the unit broke her thoughts and she grinned at Kehlani as she fell into step with the Lieutenant.

"Your partner called in sick this morning." Kehlani said with a smirk.

"Yikes. I'll go see her after my shift." Camila laughed.

"Heard you dipped out early. In fact, I know you dipped out early." Kehlani wiggled her eyebrows and Camila forced a smile to her face.

"I just helped walk her home." Camila waved her off, ignoring the shake of her hand.

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