Investigations and pizza

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A/N: i am now, in my surgeon's opinion, flat as a pancake. and have never been this happy in my life. Now, on with the new chapter, and it's high-key a filler chapter + i have mild writer's block


"You gonna tell me the name of that hot girl you hooked up with at the bar yet?" Ally asked as lieu of a greeting the following morning.

"Nope." Camila said with a grin, handing Ally a coffee before they walked into the 99, uniformed and happy to be back at their usual precinct.

"Why's it such a big deal?" Ally whined as they signed in and headed upstairs for Captain Holt's briefing.

"Why's it such a big deal for you to know?" Camila shot back. Ally grumbled under her breath before falling silent.

"Nothing bad happened right?"

"What? Ally no. We just made out at her place for a while. I went back home when we got interrupted by her sister." Camila said earnestly. "And that is all I'm telling you."

"Gonna see her again?" Ally asked as they entered the briefing room.

"Not if I can help it." Camila muttered to herself before standing at the back of the room.

The briefing dragged on for a little longer than Camila was expecting, apparently there were a few announcements Captain Holt had to get out of the way, and Diaz took the lead on the Jauregui investigation, per Camila's request.

She wasn't ready to stand in front of the precinct and lay out her plans and research. She could handle overseeing the investigation from the sidelines and happily let Diaz drone on in front of the others.

The room quickly emptied after Holt dismissed them, leaving Camila, Ally and Diaz gathered around one of the tables.

"So where do we begin?" Diaz asked, flicking through a file as Camila pulled out a chair.

"Building a profile. I want to know everything about her. Where she buys her coffee, when she gets her haircut, heck, I wanna know when she wakes up in the morning. I want to know who she's doing business with, forget what it's about, I just want to know who." Camila said, scribbling her rambling on a notepad.

"Holt thinks you two need to be out of uniform for this." Diaz said quietly.

"We're beat cops Diaz." Ally scoffed. "We're not allowed to be out of uniform."

"Which is why Cabello here let me run things publicly. I take my directions from her while making this investigation legit." Diaz said calmly. "And as that role, I get to order you two into undercover stakeout roles for now, which means no uniforms."

"Honestly I don't even know why I'm arguing this, uniforms suck." Ally muttered.

"Yeah but we look good." Camila said absentmindedly.


It'd been weeks since Camila had started investigating Lauren Jauregui.

Close to a month and she was getting frustrated.

They had close to nothing on her; their whiteboards were filled with surveillance pictures, their map covered in pins and post-it notes, Camila's notable scrawl covering everything else.

They had case files going back a decade to help, if it could be called that. All they did was prove that Lauren Jauregui was almost a ghost when it came to making charges stick.

The only notable thing they'd learned was that Lauren had been working her way around the other gangs and triads, seemingly striking a deal with everyone she came across.

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