We Can Still Save This

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"Who is Farrah?"

Sarah's eyes narrowed, "My Ex Best Friend, and Liams Ex friend with benefits."

My mouth started to dry, "What happened?"

"Come," she grabbed my hand and led me towards the park benches outside our cafeteria, "Sit."

She went and picked us out some candy and sodas from the vending machines, "Pay close attention: Farrah was my best friend since Kindergarten. We were absolutely inseparable, she would come over to my house all the time, we played on the same soccer teams growing up, and she came with my family on all of our vacations... until Freshman Year, I caught her and Liam hooking up in the middle of the night. I woke up and noticed she was gone, so I thought she was in the kitchen or the bathroom. When I couldn't find her, I panicked. I ran to Liam to help me, and there they were, in his bed. I never spoke to her again, and it took a long time for Liam and I to work on our relationship."

I slowly eat the bag of Cheetos as I take in her words, "How long had they been-"

"Months. I had went to Texas for soccer camp that summer, and that's when it all began. Sickening, how could a friend ever do such a thing?"

My heart began to beat so fast that I was going to vomit. I had to tell her now, or I would never tell her at all.

"Hey! You two are supposed to be in class!" Mrs.Thomason came flying out of the cafeteria swinging her finger in the air.

"Go!" Sarah grabbed her bag and took off running down the sidewalk of the school. I grabbed mine and followed her. Once we were back inside the gym and had a chance to breathe, we laughed until we cried.

"What's so funny?"

Sarah looked up at Liam in his practice uniform, "Your face."

His eyes wandered from Sarah to me. He was still upset that I hadn't told her.

"Hey, since we are all here, Sarah, we need to-"

I jumped in and stopped him, "Need to plan another movie night! The last one was just so much fun that it needs a sequel."

Liam's eyes burned holes in the back of my head. Sarah laughed and said she had to go to the bathroom to fix her hair from running, she would catch up with me after school. Once she was out of sight, Liam spun me around by my arm.

"Tell her."

"I'm going to."

"No," he put his arm around my back and pulled me closer to his chest, "Tell her now, so I can do this anytime I want," he placed his mouth right beside my ear, "Or this." He planted a kiss so strong on my lips that my knees went weak. I wrapped my arm around his neck to hold myself steady.

"Hey, I think I left my- What the hell?"

My entire body froze and my heart stopped. Liam's body tensed next to mine. We both knew what had just happened. I let go of him quickly and face Sarah.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Tears fell from her eyes, and she ran back out of the gym.

"Fuck." Liam mumbled under his breath and ran his hand through his hair.

"Why the hell would you do that, here? Why?"

He turned his head to look at my from the corner of his eye, "Why didn't you just tell her like you said you were going to."

"Who is Farrah?"

I watched his chest rise heavily, and his forehead break into a sweat, "What?"

"You heard me, who is Farrah?"

He shook his head and threw his hands in the air, "Unbelievable, she told you about Farrah?"

I nodded, "Yeah, she did, and that's why I couldn't tell her."

"Farrah was just a girl that I messed around with, it didn't mean anything. You are different, we have to prove to her that you are different."

I tried to push the flutters aside as he told me that I mean something, "I have to go find her."

He held my wrist in his hand, "Trust me, it's better to give her some time. Go to class, find her later."

I drag my feet across the tile all the way to Literature, but as I reach the door- I keep walking. I walk all the way to the library hall.

The corner was empty, so I took my place. How could I let this happen... I should have just told her when I had the chance.

"Why are you sitting in a corner?"

I look up to see the last person I expected, Charlotte Jameson.

"Can I sit?" She pointed to the small space beside me.


We sat in complete awkward silence for what felt like hours, before she finally spoke.

"Are you okay?"

I took a moment to think about how I wanted to answer it, "I think I am trying to be okay. I don't know what you are referring to in particular, but my life is pretty shitty right now."

"You aren't alone."

I look over as she smiles at me.

"Why are you being nice to me? I poured my coke on you."

She laughed, "I deserved it, I was being a bitch. I only kissed Liam because I knew it would piss Sarah off."

"I'm sorry Jett broke up with you then frenched my friend."

She poked my arm, "It's cool, he is a loser anyways. So why are you sitting in the corner?"

I took a deep breath, "To be completely honest...I just needed to think about how shitty of a friend I am. Sarah is so pissed at me, and I don't know how to fix it."

Charlotte turned and sat criss cross, "I won't tell a soul, but if you talk to me, I might be able to help."

"Sarah caught me kissing Liam."

Charlotte's eyes grew the size of golf balls, "Wait, what?"

"Well technically he was kissing me, but Sarah saw it. We have this rule, and I am not supposed to even be around him, and it just kind of happened."

Charlotte sat stunned, processing my words one at a time, "Have you slept with him?"

"What? No!"

"Then we can still save this."

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