If We're Being Completely Honest

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You only feel your nails digging into your palms once they've broken skin. You keep walking even as you notice blood begin to seep into your fingernails, the only warmth you feel.

You push open the door, walking to your car at the same pace as you stormed away from Hannibal with.

You unlock your car, and only then do you relax. You look at your palms, hissing as you brush a finger over the cuts. You sigh in frustration, grabbing a tissue and dab the blood on your palms.

You knew that Hannibal was right in what he said, at least in a sense. What set you off was how condescending it sounded. Putting up a mask was what you had always done to make people feel more comfortable around you, and something about him saying it was rude made you feel wrong.

You shake your head, starting your car and pulling out of the BAU's parking lot. 


Hannibal stood in the hall, watching as (y/n) stormed off, cursing himself internally.

Of course and telling someone who clearly has hidden how they've felt from people for years would set them off.  He suddenly felt like hitting himself.

He came back to reality when the scent of blood hit his nose.

Not anything strong, but like a small cut. From the events that had just occurred, it seemed like (y/n)'s nails had cut into her palm.

He sighed, turning back to Will.

Will smiled sadly at Hannibal, looking around looking to see if anyone was in the area before he grabbed is hand. Will kissed Hannibal's cheek, squeezing his hand.

"You tried love, but she at least knows that she can express how she really feels to us. You did the right thing, you just messed up the words a little," Will said, walking with Hannibal's hand still in his.

Hannibal blinked, and began walking beside Will, and nodded.

"I think picking up something for dinner would be best," Hannibal said, eyes seeming distant.

"That sounds wonderful to me, I feel like I haven't eaten anything but your food for dinner in ages."

They let go of each other's hands as they pushed open the doors of the BAU, Will choosing not to mention the smear of blood he noticed on the door handles.

(Change in POV and time skip brought to you by Every Fandom Ever)

You walk towards Hannibal's office, dread burrowing into the pit of your stomach. (Y/b/f) had convinced you that even though you didn't feel like talking to the person who had set you off, the FBI expected you to come to these sessions, and you would just have to get over it.

Not to mention your own feelings towards your psychiatrist and his boyfriend getting in the way, and a voice in the back of your mind telling you that Hannibal was right in what he said, and that he cares about you.

You push open his door, relishing in the warmth inside the building, taking off your scarf and jacket. You walk over to the waiting chair, nervously tapping your foot on the wooden floors.

You pull out your phone, looking at the plethora of memes (y/b/f) had sent to get your mind off of what happened yesterday.

You stiffen when you hear the door open.

"I wasn't expecting you to show up Ms. (y/n)," Hannibal says, while you look at the ground as you get up.

"A friend convinced me it was in my best interest to come," you say, purposefully not mentioning that you also had personal reasons to come to the session.

"Well, either way, I'm glad you're here, come in," he said, moving to give you room to walk inside his office.

You quickly move past him, ignoring the goosebumps that raised as you did so.

You feel his stare on your back, but you sit down and act as if he's not.

He comes beside your chair, sitting in his own, face stoic and posture rigid. As he sits, you feel remorse for how you had acted yesterday surface for what feels like the millionth time since the day.

"I'm sorry about how I acted," you stop when you realize he was about to say something.

"I was about to say the same thing (y/n). I shouldn't have acted like that, and the way it came out was wrong and clearly set you off. But the meaning behind what I said still stands. Masks are not preferred around me, I much prefer the actual person, no matter how bad they look behind the veil they put up."

You stiffen, feeling yourself getting emotional. You give up, letting your tears fall down your cheeks.

"Thank you. This entire case has my head in a twist and I feel like I can't focus. My energy is gone and my anxiety is worsening by the day." You feel lighter as you say the words, feeling the trails of tears dry on your cheeks.

"I've noticed, and that's one of the reasons I said what I did. We care about you (y/n) and both Will and I have noticed the bags under your eyes that weren't there when you came here," Hannibal says, face softening as he speaks.

You laugh, grabbing a tissue and whipping the tears that were drying on your face.

"You seem so stoic and indifferent towards everyone. Why do you care about me so much," you ask.

"If we're being completely honest, I have developed romantic feelings towards you." Your eyes widen at Hannibal's confession.

"Jesus, that came out of no where," you say, mouth hanging open in complete astonishment.

"I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but I felt like it should have been said." You laugh, getting up from your chair.

"I too, as you oddly put it,'think I have developed romantic feelings towards you'," you say with a smirk, moving closer to Hannibal sitting in his chair.

"So, how unprofessional would it be if I kissed my unofficial psychiatrist?" 

Hannibal laughs softly at your question, leaning close enough for his breath to fan across your face.

"I would have to say it would be very unprofessional," he says, leaning in to connect your lips.

Your eyes widen before you close them, kissing him back passionately, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

You break the kiss much to soon, gasping. Hannibal's face was slightly flush, but he looked smug as you pulled away.

You stand up straight, biting your lip. "This brings many questions into play," you say, realizing what the kiss meant, and the kink it would put in everything.

"Ya, I would say it does. Looks like I missed a lot." You turn at the voice, blushing as you see Will leaning on the door frame, face flush and snow still his hair.

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