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Panic was among the members in the cafeteria. "What do we do hyung?" Kai cried as he saw the zombie get in breaking the glasses that were placed near the door. "Hurry tape your harms and legs and if possible also neck, those are the easy part to get bitten first" San said while giving everyone a tape. There were enough tape for all. They tied their arms and legs with about 15 layer of tape, and covered their neck using 3 layer. It was strong enough and they won't get bitten.

"Hyung, I am scared what should I go?" "Right, what else" Soobin said in a very annoyed voice as Kai was shouting unnecessarily. "But hyungs you should know I don't actually know how to fight" "Kai dear there is time to talk and a time for action, and action is what we will do, let's go" their plan was simple, to get out of there unharmed, they will not pick up a serious right as there no need in fighting with these, dead walking human. They will just find a free way and get out of there.

Kai was still afarid, he did not fight but instead just looked for free way, and moved without a sound. Taehyun was protecting Beomgyu and helping him to get out of that place. Wooyoung and San was already half a way away from the door. Yeonjun was also with them, Soobin had already got out from that place. "Come on guys let's go" "Taehyun and Beomgyu are still in there" Yeonjun said in worried. "I am sure those two will make it out." Just at that time Taehyun came carrying Beomgyu who was fainted. "Hurry guys, Beomgyu fainted, don't worry we are unharmed. Let's go"

They were about to leave but suddenly Yeonjun stopped causing the others to look at him. "What you wanna stay here and die" "Huening Kai!!, You guys Kai is still inside" Yeonjun was about to run inside again, but was stopped by San, "He might be infected" "No I am going for him, just tell me where are you going?" "To the east side we will take cover in the library" Yeonjun nodes and ran in to the cafeteria again.

The others walk through the silent, hallway. No sign of live, and only darkness and sound of their shoes. "Strange, why is no here, the dorms are usually here." Taehyun said while looking around carrying Beomgyu in his arms. He looked at Beomgyu and thought, "I will keep you protected, as long as I am alive." Then he smiles.

Soobin was a bit uneasy and felt a bit worried, he doesn't get this why is he feeling that way. To conclude the debate he was having with his brain, he came to conclusion that he was worried about Yeonjun. It's not like he likes him or something, but he doesn't know why he feels strange when he is around the older. "Buddy what's wrong you look like having a break down" Wooyoung says as he walks beside Soobin. "Chill Wooyoung he is probably worried about Yeonjun" San says and gives a wink to both of them, "Hmmm I wonder what that means.

They were almost about to reach the library when they heard footsteps behind them. Not only 1 two different sound of footsteps, cuz they ain't in sync. Taehyun who was still carrying Beomgyu, gulped and started to sweat and his behind San and Wooyoung who were in a mode to attack. Soon they sighed in relieve that it was just Yeonjun and Kai who made out alive without any wounds. Yeonjun smiled seeing them.

"What took you so long?" "Don't say Kai was to scared to move that he freezed to death, and I carried him half a away" Yeonjun said glaring at Kai who simply said, "It's not my fault that you guys left me alone, I was too scared to do anything" "Come on let's get inside before more of them comes" Soobin said and gets inside the huge library.

Taehyun laid Beomgyu on the floor and, he started to wake up. "Beomgyu I was sick worried for you." Taehyun wrapped his muscular arms around Beomgyu's tiny waist, and Beomgyu puts both of his hands around others neck and buries his faces in Taehyun's neck. Both of them didn't want to let go. "Yuck, hyung stop being to obvious for fucks sake" Kai said while dramatically vomiting at the sight he was seeing. "I am sorry" Beomgyu says letting go and got up to approach Yeonjun.

Soobin was sitting with a book of virus and none of them have the name or preference of this unknown virus. He let out a sigh and looks in front of him, he doesn't know why he feel like his blood rushed to his head when he saw Yeonjun in someone else arms. He saw Yeonjun hugging Beomgyu, what would happen they are best friends and they do it often but why does he feels like this, "Am I jealous?" He thought and shooked his head and glared at Beomgyu and Yeonjun.

Yeonjun could feel a pair of eyes looking at him, more like glaring at him. He looked up to see none other than Choi the great Soobin. Soobin usually doesn't do that so it's kinda weird for Yeonjun, but at least his crush looked him and noticed him. "Still having a crush on Soobin?" Beomgyu asks smiling, while Kai thought it was disgusting. Yeonjun was smiling, he just hoped they all would make it out alive.

"Listen, we need to get out of here as soon as possible, all of you get it" "Yeah we will get out that is one thing we can do using our last brain cell, but we are unarmed, better if we had guns" Soobin said, and he was not wrong. They did needed something to kill the zombie so that that they can defeat the number. "What you said is not wrong Soobin, but where will we find guns or so." Yeonjun was now totally devasted he had no more courage left in him. "Will we die like this! Is this our end?" Tears fall non-stop from the hazel eyes of Yeonjun, Soobin wanted to hug the older but that would give a wrong idea to the others.

Suddenly, Kai flashed a huge smile and jumped in joy. "Guys do you remember that we had a room where weapons were kept, we were suppose to learn to use them this year. We can go there and get some." It might be good idea but the thing was, how can they reach there, what if the zombies have already attacked that place or area. "Who is to help the cat?" Beomgyu said while tightly holding the sleeves of Taehyun's dress. After bicerking about a few minutes finally Yeonjun and Soobin were in the charge of getting the weapons they needed and the others will head towards the back gate.

"Then we have to wait till morning, Soobin" Yeonjun said, while sitting facing Soobin. Yeonjun seemed tensed up and he was afarid about what will happen tomorrow. Soobin seemed to notice this said, "Do you trust me?" "Yes" "Than I will save you from danger"..........


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