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Suddenly the ground under them start to shaking and screams fill the air once again. "I knew it"

Soobin said while holding Yeonjun's hand tightly. He wasn't sure what to do but leaving that place will be the most safest thing to do, and more better if they leave Seoul. "Hurry, this way everyone" San shouted at the people who were with them, the condition of them was the condition of the first zombie attcak in the train to Busan movie.

Beomgyu didn't waste any time and hold both of Taehyun and Kai and ran back to the place they were before, Yeonjun and others along with Beomgyu's parents followed them. Looking behind them they could see many people being bitten or running for life, police officer trying to shoot them but end up being the victim themselves. "We need to get to the train right now, we have to leave Seoul, we can't go outside too" San said while running towards the other train.

They reached the place were they were but, luck wasn't with them. More zombies from outside has entered the place. One of them tried to attack Kai but Taehyun tackled it down. Yeonjun was too shocked to think of something, he might be intelligent but brain trauma is fact. He looked here and there and saw a glass door that was no harmed yet and he knew that it would lead the to the other train, cuz the sign says clearly. "Guys that door now now" San, Wooyoung, Taehyun, Beomgyu and Kai made their way there and they were able to get inside in time and closed the door but didn't lock it. With all their force they kept the cord closed.

Soobin and Yeonjun were about to go too, but something stopped Yeonjun from going inside, he turned around and saw a little boy, but his mother was with the others. Yeonjun let go of Soobin's hand and ran to the boy, "YEONJUN, come back" Soobin shouted when he felt Yeonjun leave his hand. Yeonjun takes the crying boy in his arms and tries to run but they fell in front of a zombie. Yeonjun closed his eyes but there was no attack. He looked to his side and saw Soobin under that zombie and he his trying hard to hold him back.

"Yeonjun take the boy and go, I will come" Yeonjun eyes widen and he nod and left that place and soon he reached and entered the door. "SOOBIN, HURRY THE OTEHR ZOMBIES SAW YOU" San shouted. Soobin used his force to push the zombie from top of him. He got up and he was surrounded by zombies. Soobin is really good in acrobatics and his fighting skills are amazing. Soobin used hapkido low kick and knock down the zombie in front of him. After a few more steps forward he reached the glass door and closed the door with the others with their body forced.

The zombies are already at the door and if they don't lock the door they will get in. "Aunty and uncle, pls take the child and his parents with you with the others to the train, we will come" Yeonjun said while leaning against the glass door. "San, Wooyoung and Kai go with them we will handle" they were hesitated at first but they followed what Taehyun said.

They were trying real hard to close the door properly, but the number of them were less than the zombie. Beomgyu looked up and saw the lock of the door, so he tried to reach for it. Taehyun, saw it and he leaned his back to the door and lifted Beomgyu up a bit to reach that metal lock. They backed up, "This door won't hold them for to long let's go" they ran and tried to go to the train.

Wooyoung San and Kai, made their way to the train and they helped Beomgyu's parents and the women and the child to get inside. They were in the cabin-1 and the other cabins were already full. "Aunties and uncles, pls don't go out of this cabin and don't let anyone enter this cabin, after reaching Busan, you will meet my parents they will be there, I called them" Wooyoung said while burshing the little boys hair, "But dear what will you do?" Mrs. Choi said and Wooyoung smiled, "Don't worry about us, we will safe Seoul, pls now go, remember what I said" Wooyoung said and left that place closing the cabin door.

"Now what?" San said and looked at the both of them. Kai was trying to think something and then he started shaking Wooyoung and San holding their shoulder, "Guys listen, I don't know why, but I saw two people in black going towards a door, that door had written don't enter, but why did they go there" Kai said and the other males look at him in confusion. "Guys we need to go there let's go" "But Kai what about, the other 4 love birds" Wooyoung said while stopping Kai from going anywhere. "Trust me as long as they are together, they won't be harmed" "Alright let's go"

"Where are they?" "Maybe they are already inside the train, let's go" Teahyun said pulling Beomgyu but Beomgyu stayed in the same place, "No Taehyun we need to find out the reason for this, we can't leave Seoul, they are gone and they are safe pls listen to me Taehyun" Taehyun could never say no to that beautiful face of Beomgyu. But the staring contest ended when they heard glass breaking. "Oh no the glass broke get inside now" the zombies already came when they were about to get inside the train. The train started moving.

Teahyun and Beomgyu both if them were separated from Yeonjun and Soobin. They didn't know where they were, just running along with the train. "Soobin we lost them what will we do" "Just keep running, don't look back" Soobin hold both of the hands of Yeonjun tightly and they both ran with their footsteps in perfect sync. They reached to the end of the pavement of the waiting area, but there was no other way to go. "Soobin we are traped" Soobin looked behind and the zombies weren't much far from where they are"

"Beomgyu where are we?" Taehyun said to Beomgyu who were hiding behind some wall. "I don't know but keep shut" they were watching for any zombies alive or not. Beomgyu took out two guns and handed one to Taehyun. Beomgyu had his and Yeonjun's gun when they first reached Wooyoung's place. "Hmmm, clever" Taehyun said and they both entered that room where dont enter was written. "Shall we?" "Sure" both Beomgyu and Taehyun entered that door and to their surprise, "WTF, ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN INSIDE OF THIS ROOM?"

Infront of Soobin and Yeonjun was huge wall, so Soobin helped Yeonjun climb up on it and then he climbed up too. This kept them from the zombie and if there were more of them than the zombies would have also climbed up. "Now what, I can't look down at those ugly creatures" Soobin said to Yeonjun who was trying to keep balance. "Look there is a window we can climb that. Here take his wire use these to climb up" above them was a sliding glass window or like a balcony, so they decided to climb that up. Soobin helped Yeonjun and then he once again climbed on the balcony and opened the sliding door and to their surprise the boys were already there.

"Yeonjun? Soobin? How did you guys get in here?" "We got in through the balcony but what are you going here?" Soobin asked a bit dramatically and hugged San who asked the question. "Kai saw a suspicious man enter this no entry door, and Kai was right that this door contains something really dangerous" Wooyoung said moving away from Yeonjun and Soobin for them to have clear view.

That wasn't just any room, but a room where there are weapons, illegal drugs or bombs. Not only that some test tubes are there and by now all of them guess that these tubes are used for creating something bad. "I noticed the door and brought Taehyun here when we got separated" Beomgyu stated looking at the weapons displayed in front to them. "Drugs of injection, medicine and even drungs are mixed with beer but why are these things in a train station" Taehyun said looking at the table where these things were kept. Suddenly the door knob twisted. "Hide" Yeonjun whisperd and they hid under the table.

Two people came inside that room, that same two people that Soobin and Kai saw. "Welcome here, to my new hideout Mr. Scientist, how do you like it?" "Hmm good" there was complete sadness in the voice of the scientist and cheer on the other person. It made harder for the boys to see their faces Because they were wearing mask.

"Come on why sad we just uprooted the main thing from our way, cheer up scientist JK" "scientist JK? Main thing?" Yeonjun thought, "But sir don't you think this is a bit too much. Look I want to stop it here" the other man laughed and said, "Scientist JK, you started to talk like him, do you also want to die like that, huh?!" "Him?" Yeonjun thought once again.

"If you don't then listen to me and my way. Anyways, take a look at these new modified application of the weapons, here are some drugs, you can take them and get a good price you know, about 20 million dollars" "Fine, I will but you promise not to tell this to Scientist V" Scientist JK said after letting out a long sigh. "Fine, but get my job done, let's go" they left that room.

The boys got up, confused, shocked and blank. "What......was......that?" ..........,............


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𝑵𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 {Yeonbin/Taegyu FanFic} ✅Where stories live. Discover now