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"Welcome, boys" he boys turned around and were shocked to see the person standing in front of them. He was cute but who knew behind a cute face was an evil background. Yeonjun was speechless, his expectation were right.

"J-Junmyeon!!" Yeonjun said as he looked at him. "Yes, yes, it's me Kim Junmyeon, brother of Kim Minseok" he laughed evilly. "YOU-" San was about to start fighting, but Wooyoung hold he back. "Not so fast kid" Junmyeon said as he laughed once more.

All of them were ranged with anger, and they knew they had to do something but they didn't know what to do. "Now, that you are here let me tell you guys some things" Junmyeon said while walking towards the glass cage where people were kept.

"I have locked them here and now they have no way to go and soon they all will turn into zombie to take the life of other people" he said laughing, "Oh and first of all Lisa will be the victim" "NOOO!" Jennie shouted and tried to go there but Kai stopped her.

"These are the zombies, that I will leave soon, but don't worry we will make sure to kill you too" Yeonjun cleanched his fist after hearing it. He looked around for something but there was nothing near hand. "Why are you doing this, and why is SeokJin in the jail?" Soobin said.

Junmyeon looked at the jail and smirked, "Kim SeokJin my only nephew decided to go against my will so he lived 2 years in that jail. And the other one there is scientist V also Taehyung, scientist JK, or you can call him Jungkook" they looked at the man that stood in the left of Junmyeon.

"And he is SeokJin's boyfriend Namjoon" they looked at the man at the left. "They lost against me, and you kids here think you can defeat me" he laughed.

Beomgyu spoke up, "Listen here you old man, truth always comes to light no matter what. Even if we die, maybe someone just like us will get you caught, you can't hide for ever."

"Well before you guys say completely goodbye each other and the world, let me tell you the reasons behind my invention" everyone was curious to know the reason. Junmyeon took a deep breath before speaking.

"My brother, Kim Minseok and I were always curious with science and experiment. We even tried to go to our school lab, but failed. Our father was a scientist, so that explains the reason on why we were into science." The boys were quietly listening to each and very words that escape from Junmyeon.

"The house that you explored, was our house. Dad had a lab there too." The boys were shocked. "Dad died from an explosion in the house and we moved from that place, and that's why the place is completely abandon. Later Minseok, became the mayor of Seoul and forgot about science and lost interest." Junmyeon stopped before speaking again.

"I tried my best to become a scientist alone, and that's when I meet Jungkook and Taehyung. Only Jungkook was the one to help me with this virus. But when I told SeokJin about it, he denys and I lock him up here" now Yeonjun was sure that, Junmyeon killed Minseok.

"Later, I killed Minseok and his family. I stated that Jin will be the next leader, because people might get suspicious, no one knows that Jin is here. I also added Namjoon to the plan. But the reason is, Minseok and I wanted to create a vaccination but Minseok forgot all of us just to become a mayor." Junmyeon smirked.

"And that's why I am taking my revenge, killing people brutally and through a pain full way." He laughed, Soobin wanted to attack at the point but Taehyun stopped him from doing so. "But that makes no sense, why will you do it?" Yeonjun said almost crying.

"I can do whatever I want, now it's time to say goodbye" Junmyeon said something to the Jungkook and Namjoon, and the boys didn't understand.

The boys did not understand what they were doing but they did see them going near a stairs. "What the fuck are they upto?" Kai whispering, "I don't know" Taehyun whispered back. "So, now prepare for death" Junmyeon said, and suddenly the door where the zombies were kept opened.

𝑵𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 {Yeonbin/Taegyu FanFic} ✅Where stories live. Discover now