🖤5. (Huening Kai Birthday Special)🖤

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"Come on San the police aren't gonna wait for us for to long" "Coming Wooyoung, wait and done" Wooyoung saw San coming and he waved his hand signalling him to come as fast as possible. Currently they all are heading to the safe center to meet Beomgyu's parents. They sat in the police car and head of to the place.

"I still can't believe that we are the only surviver from our school" Yeonjun said while his face was buried on his hands. "We had some quick action, or else we would have been dead" Soobin said looking at the devasted city. The road we wreaked and there we dead body and blood everywhere. There were no sign of live, or greenery. There were only a few trees alive and by the sight they could understand that there was fire. "But this is about zombies but why is fire coming to his matter?" Soobin thought while looking outside.

Beomgyu had his head hung low, he really wanted to see his parents soon, he really missed them. Specially that this situation that happened. Did anyone ever thought something like that? "Tae, I have a question" Taehyun looked up at Beomgyu who was about to cry. Taehyun hugged him and said him to continue, "Why? What people except that doesn't happen, but what people didn't expect that happens?" Beomgyu said completely breaking down to tears. Taehyun's shirt was wet of the older's tears, but he didn't mind it. He knows who the older feel. "You see Beom, God has His way of testing us, and I am sure they we will be able to make it out alive. We will fight together Beomgyu, I am sure" Beomgyu could not but hug the younger more tightly. He never ever talked to the younger. What ever conversation they had were weather a simple 'Hi' or 'Hello'. More than that 'How are you?" That's it, they never even hugged each other like his before, but they are already comfortable in each other's arms. A small feeling of safe was there when they were in each other's arms.

Yeonjun spotted Taehyun and Beomgyu, be smiled to himself that Beomgyu will finally get some he can relay on through this journey. He isn't scared of his life, be wants to safe the people of his own country. He wants Seoul to be a better place again, children playing in the parks, and couples walking in the park, horns of car and noisy streets he wants them all back. He looks over to Soobin who was sitting beside him, well maintaining a good space between them. Yeonjun wished that even if he dies Soobin should live in peace. Thinking all of this he doesn't know when iphe dozed off.

Soobin looked at the homeless and helpless people. They were passing by a village area, cuz the safe center is somewhere far away from the main town. The fields where golden paddy and plants used to be, but now it's all gone. There was nothing left. He hoped that there was enough food for everyone. Suddenly he felt something heavy on his shoulder, he looked at his at saw a neon yellow hair boy sleeping peacefully in his gaint muscular arms; Yeonjun. He smiled at how cute and pure he looked, he looked like a boy he saved from the rain. He continues looking out side not waking up the other.

"Police officer, you mean to say that it's natural, seriously. Just 1000 people turned in to zombie, and 30 thousand died, even when the cops reached that place very fast" Wooyoung said while staring at the officer in disbelief. He felt that something was wrong, like the officer is trying to hide something from him. There is something wrong, if he uses hundred percent of his brain right now, he will be asking the same question, how did it spread so fast? But he decided not to deal with it now but later along with the others. San was sleeping on his shoulder and Kai was sleeping on his other shoulder. He doesn't know why but he feels like a mom.

"Here gentlemans your destination has arrived. Pls get down" Yeonjun got down after Soobin. The air was not and the smell of blood fill the air. "Village side, nice place for a hideout" Kai said while letting out a wide yawn. They all made inside of the building and it was some what of office, but they don't mind as long as they get a place to stay. "Pls name" the lady said to Kai, but Kai dragged Beomgyu infront of him. "Choi Beomgyu, son of Choi Changyu" "Yes pls 5th floor room 504" they all made their way towards the floor.

"Guys, I have noticed something, the police officer were hell awkward when I asked them about what happened when we were trapped inside school." Wooyoung said and the others asked him what he said, "Well he said, more than 13 cops arrived in less than 10 minutes after it started spreading, but why were there 1000 zombies and 30 thousand kill." This left the members voiceless. Wooyoung was right, there was no way that was denyable. "Some one has to be behind this mess"

Beomgyu opened the door and he was greated with a big hug and the family ended up crying. After one hour of endless crying and some greetings and good they all say down to actually discuss what happened in their absence. "Mom you know Amanda, Kevin, Jessie and Jack don't you" "Yes honey we know them why Beomgyu" they looked to Yeonjun for to start the conversation and question, "Aunty did you notice them in the other?" "No Yeonjun dear they were not there" "Can you tell what happened and how did you get out?" Both the parents sigh before starting.

"Beomgyu's mom was working in the kitchen while I was watering the plants in the garden. I didn't know what was coming when I heard scream from the neighbors. I looked around to see that their daughter who was coming from outside, Turing place and suddenly he started hitting her brother, both turning in to zombie. So I went inside to bring Beomgyu's mother and quickly driving of that place to the police station. We actually nothing more than that." That was enough for Yeonjun to come to a conclusion, "Someone is responsible for this" ............


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