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Illumi's POV

Hisoka snorted slamming his hand onto the table. "You're joking, right?"
I shook my head, finishing the cup of coffee.
"They told me to fight them at 6:00PM sharp the next day, I accepted. I guess they were trying to look tough? Well. They never showed up, I waited for an hour. Still nothing."

Hisoka was laughing uncontrollably. But, I didn't understand what was so humorous about this.
"It was a couple weeks ago, I'm not sure what happened to them."
Hisoka grinned, resting his head on his hand.
"You're funny, Illu~"

I stared at him.
The waiter came by and took our empty cups.
I looked up at them. "Cheque." They nodded, quickly leaving to put away the cups and returning with the cheque. As I was about to pay, Hisoka swiped the tab from me and placed his own money onto it.

"Its on me~"
I raised an eyebrow but decided not to question it.
I got up, walking out the door.
Hisoka followed shortly after.
"I'll be going now." I stated, and started to walk away. But of course, I felt Hisoka's presence following me.

I sighed, turning around to face him.
"I thought you said you'd leave me alone after."
Hisoka put on a sly smile.
"I said, Maybe~"
My eye twitched.
"Leave me alone, Hisoka. I need to get home." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Oh come on, Illu~ let me visit your house again! It was nice hangout with you."
I tilted my head a bit. It was true, talking with him after a couple months was refreshing, but, he was still very obnoxious. And I didn't want to bring a clown into my house again.

Hisoka's face lit up. "Great!~ I knew you would come through~"
I didn't comment on it. I gestured him to follow me back to the mansion, slightly starting to regret doing so as he started to chat up a conversation.


I opened the door to my seemingly bland looking room. Despite our riches, I never bothered to buy much or decorate my room.
All you could see was a closet, a bed, mirror, and a small washroom. I walked inside, sitting down on my bed.

Hisoka followed, closing the door behind him.
He had that stupid grin on his face, which, I started to grow a liking to. He sat down beside me, his hand crawling to mine, probably to hold, before I slapped it away.

"Why'd you even wanna come. Theres nothing to do here."
I blankly said. Hisoka only responded with a light chuckle. I watched him pull out a deck of cards, and then start to shuffle them.
"Why not play a card game?~"

I shrugged, not like there was anything else to do either way. "What game." I asked. Hisoka gave out the cards. "Poker~ I know you like a bit of it at times~"
I rolled my eyes but went on with it.

After a while of playing, Hisoka had a streak of 2 wins and me with only 1. I pouted at my deck, it wasn't looking too good for me. I looked up back at Hisoka and saw something poking out from the collar of his shirt, a card. I quickly snatched it before he could notice and sneered.

"You were cheating!"
Hisoka let out a stifled laugh.
"Illu, darling~ you just noticed?"
Hr snickered, making me feel a bit flustered. I gridded my teeth. "I'm not playing anymore. You should go." I huffed quietly.

Hisoka pouted. "Oh, sweetie~ it was just some fun~"
My eye twitched to the nickname.
"Don't call me that."
Hisoka grinned sinisterly.
"Sweetie~ oh darling, oh Illu~" he mocked.

At this point I was annoyed. I got up and handed the cards back to Hisoka. I walked over to the door and swung it open, holding it out for Hisoka.

Hisoka frowned, packing the cards back away.
"But Illumi~ we were just getting started!~"
I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Remember the promise you made me? That you'd leave me alone? Yeah? Well, its your time to go." I retorted.

Hisoka put on a smirk, getting up and walking towards the door.
"See you tomorrow, darling?~"
I almost swung my fist at him.
"'No. Now leave."
Hisoka smiled and walked out, me slamming the door behind him.
Finally, he was gone.

I walked back to my now empty bed. It was quiet in the Zoldyck mansion once again. I felt relieved that the Clown was gone, though a big lonely.
No, what was I thinking.
I should be glad he was gone.

I got up and walked to my bathroom to wash up. Also to get the thoughts out of my system.
After taking a quick shower and change clothes, i turned the light off in my room and laid down onto my bed.

I wasn't feeling tired though.
Us Zoldycks could go on for days without sleep, and would still have enough energy to fight a horde of men. Well, for me at least. I wasn't sure about my siblings.
Oh right, sibling.
I thought to myself. I wonder how Killua was doing?

I sighed, closing my eyes.
Though the only thing that came to thought was Hisoka.
My eyes shot open.
Seriously? I sighed, deciding I should just get some sleep.

I closed my eyes once again and slowly started to drift off to sleep. My chest going up and down as my light snoring filled my empty room.
I had no dream. Like always.
I felt nice sleeping again, though I told myself sleeping was very irrelevant multiple times.

I was only doing this to get the psycho clown out of my head.
Though, I didn't know why. Spending time with him just felt different. He treated me as if I was special to him. I would usually push away any kind of affection like that, but Hisoka, he was just different.

I hate him.
chap 2 is DONE
yeyyyey this took too long
I had no ideas so I had to think of sum.
I hoped ya'll liked it. 
Also, 27 reads in 1 days? Dayummm
Its probably not a lot to mot of you guys but for me, it is.
Comment title names please, I want to change the cover

Word count:

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