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Illumi's POV

Time flew by quite quickly.
Me and Hisoka had been enjoying each others company, laughing and talking with each other. Yeah, something you'd never expect me to do.
"I'm telling you! My mother would always put my hair into pigtails, I would hate it but she seemed to adore it."
I let out a laugh, covering my mouth.
"My gosh Hisoka, you need to tell me more about your past."
He chuckled, brushing some loose hair behind his ear. Yes, his hair was down now and I found it extremely attractive.
"I would if I had any stories to tell you. I never really did anything very.. special when I was younger. Besides the circus."

I smiled, a real, genuine, smile.
"That's alright. I don't care if you repeat a story more then 100 times."
Hisoka grinned, kissing my cheek.
"My, My, darling. I've never seen you this happy before! Is this a first?~"
My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.
"A-Ah. No. Uhm.. well, if I'd say I've been happy like this before, it was probably a decade ago."
He smiled, caressing my cheek.
"Well then.. I'll say, you need to smile more often, baby. Its absolutely adorable! And call me names too, like Darling, lovebug, Daddy-"

Hisoka let go of me, rubbing the back of his head.
"Nothing! Nothing! But I want you too~"
I frowned, smacking him on the head.
He laughed, pecking me on the lips.
"Awe~ The way your emotions change from anything, back to either anger or emotionless it pretty cute."
I crossed my arms, sulking down.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
He put his arm around me, which I leaned into.
As we started to get comfortable again, the door flew OPEN.

Our heads shot right around, Hisoka looking he he was about to kill.
I expected it to be Aoi, but I was actually proven wrong.
It was Chrollo Lucilfer.

I sat there in utter shock while Hisoka scolded Chrollo for the door.
I always thought Hisoka either looked up to him or always wanted to fight him, but I have no Idea what happened between them
"Oh, its just a door! Chill out."
Hisoka clenched his fist but calmed down soon enough.
I looked over to Hisoka, the shocked expression still imbedded on my face.
"Hisoka. Whats the leader of the Phantom troupe doing here."
Hisoka glared at Chrollo, then looked back at me.
"I told him about the wedding and he said he would be delighted to help. Especially since the Phantom troupe hasn't been doing anything lately.
They'll be helping out too. Though I especially told him not to FUCKING KICK DOWN THE DOOR."

Chrollo laughed, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah yeah, We'll reinstall it."
Hisoka huffed, sinking down into the couch.
"What are we gonna do about Aoi then?"
Chrollo put his hand on his hips, smiling.
"We'll take care of her. We'll make sure to bribe her out of your life as well."
I stared blankly at him. What was going on?
"And you're doing this for.. what? Did Hisoka convince you or something? I thought you hated his guts?"
He nodded, spreading his hands.
I sighed, turning back around.
Of course.

Chrollo put his hands together, smiling.
God, someone was happy today.
"So! Wheres my room?"
I froze.
Hisoka pointed to an empty bedroom with his thumb, grumbling to himself.
"You can have that one."
At this point everything was going too fast for me. Hisoka really needs to tell me what he does.
"Thank youu! We'll start figuring out a Suit for Hisoka later. After I freshen up first!"
Hisoka rolled his eyes, turning back to me.
"I thought we agreed you would be the one wearing the dress?"
Hisoka shrugged.
"We'll see who looks better in one first~"
I sighed, nodding.

"So.. does that mean Chrollo's living with us now?"
Hisoka scratched the back of his neck.
"Not sure. I'm pretty sure he'll leave right after."
I relaxed into the couch, sighing.
"Alright then."

Needed to add s p i c e
Anyways, sorry for not posting yesterday, got busy.
Also, if you were thinking I'm just gonna drop Aoi by having the phantom troupe kill her off or something like that, WRONG
i'm not like that 😡
Anywayssd again.
I'm actually here to recommend a Hisoillu book I recently picked up! Its by
@Not_Hisoka and heres the link to it:

Its genuinely one of my new favourite Hisoillu books, of course, I'm not forcing you to read it. Just letting you know if you like my book, you'll probably like theirs!

Thats it for today, see ya'll tomorrow
Vote and comment if you want to ig

Word count:

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