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Hisoka's POV

We walked out of the last store, carrying bags of clothing items.
Well, most of them were mine.
Satisfied with my shopping experience, I grinned to myself, knowing well that I'll be wearing a different outfit for the next month.
On the other hand, Illumi looked exhausted. He was carrying about 7+ of my bags, and only 3 of his. I realized I may have gone overboard while shopping and looked at Illumi with a bit of pity.

"Darling?~ did I buy too many-"
I frowned, he hadn't let me finish my sentence.
Oh well.
"This fun!~ lets do it again someday, hm?~"
Illumi huffed, looking a bit annoyed.
"You're an absolute beast when you shop. Buying literally one of each thing."
I let out a quiet laugh. It was true, as a young boy, I never had the luxury of being able to use money on whatever. Its good to spoil yourself at times.
We continued our way to the exit, while we walked, I was debating whether or not to invite Illumi over to my apartment, or just stay the nights he'd bought.
I mean, I DID own a floor in the heavens arena, but it got quite boring there.
As we walked out the door, I felt drops of water fall from the sky.
Looking up, I knew it was gonna thunderstorm. It didn't bother me one bit though.

I looked over to Illumi, guessing he had noticed too, though his face had tensed up. I was guessing he was just tired from my shenanigans and decided to not ask about it.
Ah. The sweet sound of a thunderstorm starting, however, Illumi didn't seem to appreciate it like I did, making a run back to where we were staying, Me barley being able to tail him from behind.
Did he hate thunderstorms?

We made it back to the room, Illumi dropped the bags and dove right onto the bed, he covered the blanket over himself. I found this really strange of him to do, dropping my own bags down and sitting beside him. I heard more thunder clap, Illumi responding by clenching onto the blanket even harder.
"Illumi? Whats wrong?"
He was quiet for a bit until muttering to me.
"I hate thunderstorms. So much."
I held back a laugh.
Illumi? Scared of thunderstorms? Hell, he wasn't even scared of death, but this? Bizarre.

I pulled the blanket down, seeing him cowering made me feel a bit superior.
I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing circles onto his back to soothe him. I felt him loosen up and get out of the curled up ball position, now his face buried into my chest while his hands clenched onto the back of my shirt.
I let our a small sigh, relaxing into his grip. I realized I was really tired too from all that shopping, the adrenaline was wearing off.
Illumi finally got off of me, but the rain was still coming in hard. He seemed pretty bothered by it but he was acting better from before.

I hummed a quiet tune, my eyes closed as I attempted to fall asleep but didn't feel tired one bit. Probably because me and Illumi had been falling asleep together for the past day.
I was craving affection, stretching out my arms, I quietly slurred.
"Illumiiii darling~ Can I have some affection?~"
Illumi stared into my eyes coldly, before sighing and crawling on top of me, resting his head onto my chest. Despite our 1 foot height difference, we still managed to make this work. I grinned, putting my arms around him as I felt him breathe lightly.

The thunderstorm outside continued to cackle, Illumi tensing up every once in a while until calming down again.
"Hey, Illu?"
Illumi looked up at me with the most unamused face.
"Can I get some kissies, please?~"
Illumi rolled his eyes, but didn't ignore my quick request, moving up to lay his gentle lips onto mine.
Illumi was more of a quick kiss type of guy, while I enjoyed long lasting ones. They felt more lively and as if they carried more love than just quick pecks on the lip.

I smiled mentally, the affection truly making everything so much less boring. And it seemed like it had taken Illumi's mind completely off of the thunderstorm.
We sloppily kissed, surprising me with how well Illumi was doing.
Well, it wasn't that big of a surprise since I knew Illumi was a type to show their love through psychical stuff. My mind wandered off, if he was better at psychical, what did that mean for him in bed?

I fanned the thought away, embracing my lover in while we kissed each other through the storm

1-2 minutes later, Illumi got off of me, his eyes closed, I was wondering if he had fallen asleep.
"So..~ when do you wanna go to my apartment? We can leave whenever, I know you spent money here for a couple nights."
Illumi shrugged to my question.
"I guess we can leave tomorrow. I don't care about the money right now."

I smirked, pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
"You're adorable, Illumi~"
"I know."
woop dee doo
Another chapter done.
Do ya'll have headcanons for these two, or just individually?
Vote and comment if you want to
Lmk in the comments if you want to see anything in this book specifically, ciao

Word count:

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