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Illumi's POV

I slowly pushed Hisoka back down to the ground. After a couple seconds, I broke the kiss, staring into the others eyes.
Hisoka's eyes were filled with lust and curiosity.
"Wow, Illu~ I didn't know you we're a good kisser, who taught you that?~"

Flustered, I got off of Hisoka, trying to fan myself as my body had heated up from all the affection.
"No one... sorry."
I responded a bit coldly.
Hisoka smirked, getting up and gently grabbing my arm.
"Why not continue?~ I didn't mind it at all."
I yanked my arm away from him again, avoiding eye contact.

"I told you, I need some time to think about this.. relationship."
Hisoka placed a quick kiss onto my lips, making me loose track on my thoughts.
He licked his lips, waving his finger at me.
"Doesn't seem like you need time~"
I was speechless.
He was right, I had already made up my mind.
I wanted to be with him.

Hisoka cut me off, gluing me back into his world with a deep kiss. I wasn't used to this, it wasn't like I had any experience 'kissing' either. This was supposedly my first ever official one, and I didn't know how to react.

After a couple minutes of sloppy kisses, Hisoka got off of me, finally.
I frowned at him, clearly out of breath as he would barley let me breathe.
"Is this how you're always gonna act from now on?"
I ask him. I wasn't sure how I was gonna handle Hisoka being seductive 24/7.

Hisoka let out a small chuckle.
"Of course not, just for tonight."
I shrug and look up into the sky. The stars were out, which was pretty rare for me to see as I never really paid attention to my surroundings.
Hisoka crossed his legs together and patted on his lap, signalling me to rest on it.
I do so, laying my head onto his lap, still gazing up into the sky.

"I feel funny, Hisoka."
Hisoka hummed in response.
I went silent for a bit, until speaking again.
"I don't feel like killing you for once."
Hisoka let out a loud laugh, wiping a tear from his eye.
"Oh really?~"
I nod, sighing as I reached for my phone.
0 notifications.

"I don't know what my parents will think about this, Hisoka. They might not like it one bit."
Hisoka stroked my hair, which I found quite soothing.
"You'll be fine, Illu.~ they probably could care less, as long as you keep being an assassin."
I thought about it, and then nodded.
"I guess you're right."

"So.. wanna go after that guy?"
I shook my head.
"I think he rests in the day. Thats their weakness probably. I think just exploring the forests during the day, looking for him, would be much easier."
Hisoka caressed my cheek, which I happily leaned into.
"You're a quick thinker, darling~"
I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.
"Of course I am, Hisoka. You are too."
Hisoka's hand made its way back up to my hair, sliding through it with ease.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you are?~"
I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes at him.
Hisoka chuckled, lifting up me up and then my chin to face him.
"Well, now you know."
I managed to crack a small smile, throwing my arms around Hisoka and wrapping them around him.
"You're such a goofball."
I mumble quietly

Hisoka caressed my head, chuckling.
"I know that."
We sat there in silence for a bit, until Hisoka broke it.
"Want me to do your hair? You always leave it straight and bland, doesn't it bother you when you fight?"
I shrug, getting off of him and then turning around.
"No. But I'll let you."
Hisoka grinned, parting my hair into sections.

I haven't had anyone else do my hair since I was a young kid. My mother would sometimes style my hair, but one day she just completely stopped. I didn't understand why but never questioned it.
I was guessing Hisoka was doing a braid, as it was most common and probably the easiest one to do.
Hisoka hummed a quiet tune, doing my hair as if he'd always had long hair.

I, on the other hand, was a bit lost in my thoughts. I had a feeling this guy was recruiting allies, as his goons we're all dead in front of us.
After a couple minutes, Hisoka let go of my hair, beaming in pride.
I pulled out my phone to get a better look, smiling lightly.
"It looks wonderful."
Hisoka nodded, pressing a kiss onto my cheek.
"It matches your eyes.~"
I raised an eyebrow. I had never been complimented on my eyes before as they were pitch black and hollow.
"What makes you think that? All you see in my eyes are voids."
Hisoka wrapped his arms around me, humming quietly.
"I don't think so. I see the entire world through your eyes."

My cheeks heated up a but, until I calmed myself down.
"Why not get some sleep? Its not like we'll be moving around during the night~"
I agreed, leaning into Hisoka's arms, slowly closing my eyes.
Hisoka pressed a kiss onto my forehead, supposedly also closing his own eyes.
"Sleep well~"
I should stop writing these so late at night.
I hope you liked this kinda short but mostly affection chapter. Theres probably a lot of mistakes as I'm too tired to go back and double check.
Vote and comment if you like to, what was your favourite part in this chapter?

Word Count:

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