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Illumi's POV

I squeezed Hisoka's hand as the room suddenly became cold. I watched my father sit up straight, his eyebrow's tightening.
My eye's narrowed as I felt Hisoka start to sweat.
"There shouldn't be anything wrong with this. If Killua is the heir to the throne, you wouldn't want anything with me anymore now, right?"

My father pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Yes.. but why'd you have to get with a male?"
I froze.
"Is.. there something wrong with it."
My father sighed.
"Yes! Yes there is something wrong with it. Even if you're not the heir to the throne, your mother wished for you to wed with a female. To raise more assassin. Your moth is gonna be devastated."

"Father.. even if I cannot raise children, Hisoka is quite strong. We can become high tier assassins, a duo."
My father thought about if for a bit, until looking back up to face me.
"I don't approve."
My fury rose. I was infuriated how, despite now being an adult, I was still being controlled by my father.
"What?! Why?! I don't understand-"
My father cut me off.
"Do NOT raise your voice at me. This isn't like you, Illumi. What's so special about this.. clown anyways? And why get together after such a short time?"

Hisoka spoke up, which relieved me, reminding me that my partner was strong enough to speak up to my father.
"Actually, sir. If I may speak, we've known each other for quite a while now. And I don't think there's anything wrong about two males being together."
Hisoka spread his hands, smirking.
"Plus, I'm indeed quite strong."

My father looked uninterested, taking his attention back onto me.
"Whatever. But, Illumi. Your mother had so much faith in you, are you seriously going to ditch to family business like that?"
My anger rose even higher.
"I never said I was leaving the family business! All I'm saying is that I want to be with, Hisoka! And I don't CARE about mother anymore!"

My father stood up, looming over us.
"Illumi. This has gone far enough. It seems like ever since you've met this clown, you've changed completely. I wish for you to stop seeing, Hisoka."
My eye's widened. I gritted my teeth, clenching my fist.
"Why can't I make my own decisions?! I'm an adult! Why do YOU and mother have control over me? This isn't fair!"

My father snapped.
"Life isn't fair! You can't expect everything to go your way."
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing loudly.
"I knew you we're always a disappointment."
He looked back at me, eyes stern and full of rage, though he kept it quiet.
"I want you out of my room. You are not prohibited to leave your room until you finally learn to respect your mother."

I wanted to swing my fist at my father. I had never been so furious in my life.
I stormed out of his room, dragging my lover out along the way.
"I can't believe this! I don't understand, why can't and man be with another man?"
I continued to rant out loud, Hisoka struggling to get out of my grip, as when he moved more, I held on tighter.

We made it to my room, I slammed the door behind us and let go of Hisoka. I sat onto my bed, looking down onto the floor. My anger began to fade away, being replaced with sorrow.
It had been a while since I felt so much emotion in one day. I always thought my emotions had been stripped away since the day I was born, but I guess I was mistaken.

Hisoka came beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder.
I look up to him, tears starting to roll down my cheek.
"I don't understand, Hisoka. I did everything they ever wanted. They experimented on me until my other siblings we're born. Did I ever complain? No. I manipulated Killua, just because my mother was upset about everything that had happened before hand. I followed him around, using up my time, just for them. Why can't my father show a tiny bit of appreciation for everything i've done?"

Hisoka's eye's widened a bit to the sudden change of emotion. He wiped the tears away and hugged me tightly.
"Illumi, it's okay. Let it all out, you don't have to hide  your feelings anymore. I'm here for you."
I was hesitant, but the gentle squeeze just made me tear up even more. I started bawling my eyes out, which I haven't done in almost 15 years.
Hisoka rubbed my back, while I cried into his shoulder.

A couple minutes later, I cooled down, sniffling, my eyes red and a bit puffy from all the crying.
Hisoka stopped hugging me and held onto my shoulder's, looking me in the eye with a warm smile.
"Is it all out?"
I nodded, wiping the last tear away.
"Thank you.."
Hisoka grinned, kissing my cheek.
"Of course. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't comfort my Illu?"
I mentally cringed to the nickname, lightly punching Hisoka in the arm.
"Oh, shut up..."
I did let out a stifled laugh, which Hisoka probably heard.

"Wanna get out of here and get some Lunch?~"
I tilted my head, raising an eyebrow.
"Remember what my father told me? I'm not allowed to leave my room."
Hisoka facepalmed, which looked like it genuinely hurt.
"What about everything you complained about? Who cares if your father finds out! What's he gonna do, kill you?"
I tucked some loose hair behind my ear, avoiding eye contact.

Hisoka rolled his eyes, getting off my bed and opening the one window in my room.
"If we go through the window it'll be less suspicious than the front door."
He slipped out, I heard a quiet thud, looking out the window.
I shrugged, following Hisoka out the window.
Hisoka let out his hand, bowing slightly.
"Let me take you somewhere special, your majesty."
I snoted, reluctantly taking his hand, and then we were off to who knows where Hisoka plans on taking me."

i wanted to add some drama because i can.
I was listening to old songs from like, 2000-2015.
Good times

we need to go back pls

Uhm, anyways, how'd you like this chapter?
Vote and comment if you want to ig

Word count:

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