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Hisoka POV

I watched butterflies flutter around, smiling to the wholesome presence. I forgot how beautiful forests could be in the morning. This was like a morning walk, more than a mission.

I looked over at the other man walking next to me. I couldn't help but look at his features. His silky black hair stayed soft, despite how Illumi would barley shower. I didn't mind though. His dead fish eyes looked like they were diamonds, yet to be uncovered. And I knew I would be the one to uncover them.

I smirked, which alerted Illumi. He turned his attention to me.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Oh y'know, just noting how lovely you look~"
He just stared at my blankly, then looked back up ahead.
"Please don't."

But I couldn't help but notice Illumi crack a small smile in the corner of his mouth, making me want to continue on.
"Y'know, have you ever considered an outfit change? Like going shopping and picking out your clothes?~"
Illumi shook his head
"No and I don't want too. My life is more busier than you'll ever be."

I pouted again, which, once again, I saw Illumi smile lightly.
"Oh come on, Illu~ it'll be fun! Lets try it one day~"
Illumi at this point as gone completely silent.
I sighed, throwing my hands on my waist. How was I ever gonna get them to be less cold to me.

"Soo... are you sure they'll be out during the morning? I bet you they only jump from forest to forest at night."
I stated. It was true, most quote on quote, 'bad guys' tended to move during the night since it was dark and quiet
Illumi faced me, a hint of surprise plastered on his face.

"Wow, you actually decide to he useful for once."
My cheeks flushed, I crossed my arm, mumbling.
"Now thats just mean."
"But yes, most antagonists tend to move during the night. I'm just looking for somewhere to set up camp. Also, just in case they have any minions. I'm also guessing they do considering they're probably not doing this all alone."

I let out a loud sigh, wrapping my arms around Illumi, which he surprisingly didn't stop me from doing. "Oh Illumi~ when will you ever be mine?"
I felt his heart start to beat faster, but his expression stayed the same.

I huffed, resting my head on Illumi's shoulder, I felt him lean into the gentle affection, which surprised me a ton. Regardless of what he had just said, I knew Illumi was warming up to me. It was so very obvious, he was pretty bad at hiding it, which I thought was genuinely adorable.

"This place will work."
I heard him say outloud.
I got off of him and looked round our surrounding.
I was pretty empty, besides a fallen tree and a couple other stuff.
"Do you even have stuff to put down here, Illu?~"
He stared at me with a blank expression.
"Since when did we need stuff?"

I saw him walk over to the fallen tree and sit down o it. I was guessing he was a bit tired.
"Don't let your guard down though l, he could attack any minute."
I nodded, joining Illumi on the tree.
I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.
Illumi looked at me.
"You didn't sleep last night, did you?"
I nodded sadly.

"Hey, I was up for a good reason, you don't have to judge so hard."
I watched him snicker quietly.
"Oh yeah? Like what."
I muttered something under my breath and then responded to Illumi's question.
"Non of your business~"

He sighed.
"I guess you could sleep for a bit, but no more than an hour."
I nodded and started to drift off to sleep. But before I fully passed out, I spoke out quietly.
"Illumi~ will you be my-"

I frowned but decided to not say anything else. I was joking after all. Right?
I felt Illumi wrap his arm around me, which was quite shocking, but, no complaints.
I then drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to someones light snoring. I looked up to see Illumi had fallen asleep on me. I couldn't have but blush to the scene. I smiled, then noticed it was dark. Had we slept for that long? How were we still alive even.

I gently shook Illumi's shoulder.
"Illu~ Its time to wake up. Its getting dark."
His ryes fluttered open, he noticed that he was on me, and quickly got off.
"Ah. I see we got a bit carried away.. oh well."

I smiled, Illumi was starting to warm up to me, which surprisingly was starting to grow on me.
"You're quite cute when you sleep, you know that?~"
"You're creeping out."
I sighed, looked at and around out scenery. Suddenly, I heard some quiet footsteps, I got up, Illumi following suit.
"What is it?"

I squinted my eyes
"We have company.
i added a bit more flirting in this, I hope ya'll liked this 🥺
Thanks for the constant support!!
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