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Hisoka's POV

We talked with each other for a while.
Way better than yesterday. It didn't feel forced or anything, and it seemed like Illumi was having a great time.
I heard him laugh for the first time in forever, which made me feel all warm on the inside.

"You're such an idiot sometimes."
He retorted.
I snickered to the sentence, almost laughing out loud fully.
I listened to him start rattling about the ways he was planning on killing his target. Which, i've heard him say multiple times, though I didn't mind. I found it quite cute how he would just prattle about anything on his mind at times.

I guess Illumi noticed me gazing at him, he stopped talking and tilted his head a bit.
"Something wrong?"
I shook myself out of the trance and brushed my hair back with my hand.
"Not at all. Just admiring how cute you can be sometimes~"

I looked up to see a flustered Illumi, covered his mouth with his hand as he looked away, avoiding eye contact.
"You see what I'm talking about here, Illu?~"
I pushed Illumi's hand down from his mouth, only to get significantly closer to him.
Before I could make another move, Illumi scooted father away from me, yanking his hand away from my grip.

I grinned to the action, only making me get even closer to him, taking his hand once again and intertwining out fingers together. But this time, Illumi didn't bother removing himself from me.
"I've been thinking, Illumi.. we've only seen each other again yesterday, but the times we spent together in the past. Don't you feel some sort of.. connection between us?~"

Illumi frowned at me, before pushing me down onto the ground, inverting our position.
"You think you're so tough, don't you? Just because you have a sick mindset doesn't mean I can't return the favour."
He stated.

I was a bit caught off guard by the sudden change, but began to laugh loudly, tears forming in the corner of my eyes.
Illumi stared at me dumbfounded.
I wiped a tear from my eye, still chuckling lightly.
"Oh Illu~  i've never seen you so flustered like this before! And to think you were immune to my flirting. Oh how incorrect I was."

Illumi immediately got off of me, dusting himself.
I snicker, getting up as well.
"Let me ask you something. Answer truthfully. What do you seriously think about relationships?"
I ask, finally getting serious for once.
Illumi looked at me for a solid minute, before looking up into the night sky.
"I never truly thought of it. But. I guess, having someone to lean on and just love and cherish. I wouldn't mind one."

I sat there with the stupidest look on my face. Purely shock. Was that really what he thought? If so. Would I have a chance?
"I see.."
Illumi raised an eyebrow at me, setting his hands on his lap.
"Whats with you and these relationship questions lately? I know  you usually ask questions like hits but not so frequently."

I chuckle lightly.
"You have no idea, do you? Well.. you see-"
Illumi speaks over me, which isn't something he did often.
"You think you can get with me, don't you?"
He asked, looking away from my direction, unfazed.
"I.. Uh.."
He let out a small snicker.
"I'm not gonna reject you. I just need some time to think. But when I do think about it, we could be one powerful couple. I'd consider that. But affection isn't really something I show very often."

I smile, scooting up closer to him and tucked his hair behind his ear.
"You do know I thinks you're absolutely adorable, right?"
Illumi nodded.
"It's actually quite obvious if you ask me. Though, I'm to awe about. Plus, I'm not sure what my Father and Mother will think about this. They have high expectations for me as I'm the oldest, and I know, they'd rather me get together with a Female, rather than a failed magician like you."

I pouted to the last statement.
"You could've described me much better than that. At least you didn't call mr a clown."
He gave me a little peck on the cheek, avoiding eye contact once again.
"You can be quite annoying sometimes, Hisoka. But thats something I can deal with. You're quick to think and a astounding fighter. I won't turn you down."
He faced me with a light smile.
"I'll give you a chance."

I'm speechless. For once in. My life, I don't know how to respond.
I felt my own cheeks start to heat up, turning away to cover my face.
"Hey, look at me."
I take a deep breath and faced Illumi, but was met with his own lips crashing into mine
This was completely odd of Illumi to do. I thought I would be the one doing all the affection.
I slowly melted into the kiss, embracing the other like it was our last day together.

oop 😳
Ighttt, here you go, the chapter you've been all waiting for. I went kinda OOC for both of them but, whateva😼
I hoped ya'll liked.
Vote and comment if you'd like to, i wrote this one at 1 AM and i'm craving goldfish crackers and apple juice.

Word count:

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