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Illumi's POV

We got out of the taxi, heading back to our room.
And let me say.. that was one big rollercoaster.
I sighed, sitting on the bed, pulling out the piece of napkin Aoi had given me. Debating whether or not I should message her.
Hisoka sat down beside me, putting his hand onto my shoulder.
"Just wait. She'll be the one to text you if you don't text her first. And honestly I don't want to deal with that psycho, and I don't think you want to either."
I nodded, crumbling up to napkin and throwing it into the trash.

"You're one to speak. Aren't you like a psychotic clown?"
Hisoka huffed, crossing his arms.
"You're all the same. I'm not a clown, i'm a MAGICIAN."
I snickered, putting a hand over my mouth.
"Yeah whatever."
Hisoka sat there in silence for a bit until a evil yet mischievous smile grew onto his face.
He looked over at me, doing that thing where he keeps on looking me up and down.
"Remember how before you said you wanted to continue.. you know~"

I raised an eyebrow, starting to get a bit suspicious.
"Yes? But not now. Not really in the mood anymore."
Hisoka pouted, extending his arms and then proceeding to pin me to the bed. I seemed unfazed, though I was actually mentally panicking and screaming as I for some reason couldn't get myself to move.
Instead of aiming for my mouth, Hisoka went lower, to my neck area. He started pressing harsh but gentle kisses onto my neck. It felt oddly.. weird. But he gripped my arms down so I could barely get up with that kind of weight on me.

I continued to keep my unamused face, but my cheeks started to flush red as this weird and odd feeling turned into pleasure. And I hated it.
Hisoka left purple and red spots on my neck, which I was pretty sure were called.. Hickys?
I've heard Milluki talk about how he wanted one one day.
I fought back trying to make any noise, only quietly letting out deep breaths.
As soon as I felt Hisoka slide my shirt down, thats when I kicked him in the back with my leg, getting him off of me.

I frowned, dusting my shirt off while Hisoka whined about his back hurting.
I continued to step on him, completely ruining the lusty vibe in the air.
"Don't ever touch me like that again until we're married."
Hisoka's head perked up, his grin returning.
"You think we'll get married?~"
My cheeks flushed red, covering my mouth once again.
"What? No.. I'm just.. whatever."
I slid my hand through my hair, letting Hisoka go.
He immediately wrapped his arms around, pushing his weight so we fall back onto the bed.
Prying Hisoka off was almost as difficult as getting my parents to accept me.
"Oh my god, Hisoka. Get off of ME."

Hisoka buried his face into my back.
I sighed, giving up and just turning around to put my own arms around Hisoka.
We've been cuddling non stop for the past few days, which was pretty funny to me considering its also only been a few days since we got together.
It's as if we've been together for years.
I sighed, wondering what might be going on in my old household. I suspected there was gonna be a lot of arguing.
It also confused me a bit how Aoi talked to us. She acted as if she owned us.
And not to mention how she kept talking anout how me and my family kept on killing their men.
I immediately knew which family she was from and I wasn't very excited about that.
Their men maybe be weak but the leaders were always something else.

Hisoka looked up to me, a relaxed expression plastered onto his face.
"We can get going to my apartment tomorrow morning. But now, just cuddle with me right now ~"
I rolled my eyes but did as he requested,
Yawning as I did.
"I love you, Illumi. And I won't hesitate to propose to you when I do."
I  didn't have much to say.
"Yeah you better not hesitate... love you too."
you thought they were gonna do the naughty but they didn't 😾
I actually wanna know if anyone genuinely got upset when they found out they're weren't gonna frick
But anyways heres a short but fluffy chapter.
Ily all so much

Word Count:

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