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Chrollo's POV

It had been.. what. A week later?
The more days that passed, the more work that became piling up for me.
Meanwhile the two lovers were all over each other.
Illumi had been a whole ball of energy after his fever passed by. Though it was absolute torture when he was sick. He'd hit us, pinch us, stick pins in us, whine, and scream. It was as if we were taking care of a toddler. I had to get my right arm bandaged after Illumi managed to get my arm to bleed by dragging one of his needles against my arm.
He would never eat and always insisted he wasn't hungry, leading us to force feed him.. everything.
Medicine was the hardest part and I was NOT wanting to take care of Him ever again.

We had all planned loads and loads of stuff.
Everything was starting to come in and we even rented a venue.
Aoi had been texting Illumi nonstop the past week and would not leave him alone. I had to call Feitan and Shalnark to go handle her, but not to kill her as Illumi requested.
Currently, I was handling the finances for the wedding. I didn't understand the point of using the money when you can just take whatever you want.
Its a situation where you always win. Y'know?
Hisoka had his hand's all over Illumi which I obviously tried to ignore.
They were on the couch and were 100% aware I was behind them workings so they didn't do anything too nasty.

I finally got the last of the numbers set out for today, sighing in relief as I leaned back into my chair.
I, as the wedding planner, had probably done so much prepping that the only things on my mind nowadays is.. well.. the wedding.
We were all still debating over the flowers, and we haven't gone out to choose tuxedo's for Hisoka, me, and a full wedding gown for Illumi.
I decided going out and choosing the tuxedos would be the best option. I was also planning on getting the troupe their own clothes too since Hisoka and Illumi both agreed to allow them to attend their wedding.
I got up snd walked over to the couple, shoving my hands into my pockets.
I was 80% sure Hisoka had his hand in Illumi's pants but his almost emotionless expression made it hard to tell.

I tapped Hisoka's shoulder, staring at him while he slowly turned around.
I gestured out the door, yawning.
"I'm finished with the finances for now. We should go and pick out a tux for you."
Hisoka immediately got off of Illumi, jumping up in excitement.
"Great! I'll go change~"
He ran off into his room, locking the door.
I looked over to Illumi, who had now gotten up and was sitting straight.
"So.. his hands in your pants?"
He nodded without a reaction, huffing.
"He's annoying sometimes. Extremely grabby too."
I rolled my eyes, leaning against the couch.
"Of course he is. But you just gotta deal with him then."
Illumi nodded slowly, brushing his hair back with his hand.
"Yeah I guess. I don't really care at this point."
I smiled, and was about to say something but Hisoka's bedroom door flew open.
He was wearing a light pink and black hoodie, tucked into jeans with sunglasses completing the look.
I raised an eyebrow to his choice of fashion.
"Hisoka. Isn't it like November now? So why the sunglasses?"
Hisoka struck a finger at me, smirking.
"Its called an aesthetic. You two go change now, I want to see the entire selection of clothes tailor shops have."

Illumi didn't question anything and nodded, walking into the room and locking it.
I decided to do so too, walking away into my own temporary room.
Short chapter 😢
School is really starting to pile in now, so I'll try to make longer chapters but I can't post everyday. Idk we'll have to see😌😌

Word count:

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