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I woke up with the red sun from the sunset hit my skin, as i started to stretch i reached for my phone on my night stand i realized that it was 8pm.

y/n: damn i really slept for that long...ok well time to go for a run.

i got up out of bed and started to look around my closet to see what i can wear for the run.

y/n: this is perfect.
all you wore was a nike sports bra with lululemon leggings with your hair up in a ponytail. as you were about to walk out you grabbed a bottle of water also you grabbed your keys to lock the door so no one can get in you get it.  as you where going out the door you thought about where to run to all you thought about was the beach so you where going to go to the beach and watch the rest of the sun go down (you lived close to the beach.)

*skip to the end of the run*

as you where in your drive way you noticed a random car in the drive way but you didn't really think much of it because maybe your mom had a person over so as you where going into your house you saw that there was 2 men in your living room with your mom also, and all the attention was brought onto you as you walked in.

y/n: uh mom what is happening?

U/M= your mom
u/m= first of all i'm not mom to you second of all i sold your dumb ass to these men because i don't need or want you.

y/n: are you serious right now. i'm the reason why you have this house and now your selling me to these random men you don't even know? i could be raped by them or hurt!

???: babygirl i won't hurt or do anything to you. all you need to do it go upstairs and get your clothes and everything you need and come with us okay? i don't want to make this hard for you.

y/n: first of all who the fuck are you?
you said staring in his eyes.

???: the names mattia. now go get your stuff, because like i said i don't want to make this hard for you got it?
he said giving you THATTTTTT look

you just ignored him and went upstairs to start packing. he was not bad looking same with the other one, he had the most beautiful eyes ever but if you look in them to long it's like dangerous. after you where done packing you start to look around your room, you then picked up a picture of you and your dad having ice cream and laughing you started to tear up a little bit, remembering all the good and bad memories you had. even tho you where kinda happy you where leaving you still loved your mom even tho she caused you so much pain though the past 2 years. you couldn't process everything that was going on. you took a couple deep breaths and fixed yourself up a little before going down. you looked yourself in the mirror and started to cry even more. you didn't know why but you just didn't know what to do.

y/n: okay okay it's going to be ok just calm down and breath y/n, let's go.

as you where walking down the other boy you where with took your bags and went outside to put them in the car you believe.

u/m= ur mom
(just a reminder)

M: you ready to go y/n?
y/n: mhm yeah
you said trying to hold in your tears. mattia then noticed that you where tearing up and pulled you into a hug. you were surprised that he did that, you immediately started crying and sobbing but you really needed comfort right now.

M: hey, hey don't cry it's okay we are going to take good care of you i promise. it's going to be a better place for you anyway.
he pulled back from the hug and cupped your face with his hands and started wiping off your tears.

y/n: thank you mattia
M: no problem, now let's get going you need some rest.
you nodded and started to look behind you to look at your mom. you gave her a weak smile even though you didn't want to you did. all she did was roll her eyes at you and slammed the door in your face. all you did was sigh and keep walking to the car. as you got in the back seat mattia started talking.

M: y/n... i'm sorry that she did this. but you will be in a better home and be happier.
y/n: yeah um thanks but who is that?
you said pointing to the guy driving.
M: oh yeah this is alejandro
he said giving you a weak smile.
ale: hey.
he said with a smile on his face showing his dimples.
y/n: oh um hey.
M: okay well let's get going y/n is pretty tired so let's go!
ale: ight.
as he started the car you just looked out the window thinking about what's happening but you started to feel a little better because mattia is pretty nice, same with ale. i can tell this will be a good chapter in your life....

or will it?

*and that was this chapter. i hope you enjoyed! i'm truly sorry if i spelled anything wrong. but if you want any changes to the next chapter just tell me and i'll do what i can!


Sold to mattia (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now