the baddest😽

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As i started to open my eyes i stared to be confused on where i was but then i remembered everything that happened. i went to reach for my phone to check the time and it was now 10 in the morning. as i went to get up i was took a good look around my room and decided to look around because late night i was to drained too.

y/n: damn this room big as hell.
you said to yourself, as you where looking around you went into what seemed like your closet, it was full of clothes, shoes, jewelry, purses you name it. as you walked in you where in shock at how much stuff there was in here. then you keep looking around to find a huge bathroom. you where still in shock about how big this house and your room is but aside from that you took a shower and got dressed.

*what you wore*

( not the ball or the bag nor the ring aha)

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( not the ball or the bag nor the ring aha)

as you got dressed you didn't really put a lot of makeup on, all you did was mascara, lip gloss and brows. also you put some perfume on too. as you where trying to find your way to the kitchen you bumped into something but all you did was ignore it because you where to busy on your phone.
???: watch where your going you slut.
after you heard that you immediately looked up and saw that it was that cynthia girl that mattia hates.
y/n: first of all i don't know who the fuck you think your talking to like that, and second of all get the fuck away from me you fucking smell like shit okay hunny please go take a shower thank you bye.
you said rolling your eyes and walking away, all she did was gasp and walked away mad as hell.
as you where walking down the hall you eventually got to the kitchen. as you got down there, there was this boy he looked about 5,4 or so and he had nice fluffy hair and brown eyes, he was definitely not mattia or ale.
???: so you just going to sit there and stare?
the boy asked. you immediately snapped out of it and looked him in the eyes for a split second and looked away.
y/n: oh yeah i'm sorry about that.
you asked shy as hell.
???: it's okay aha but i didn't ever get your name.
he said in a sweet tone. you looked back at him and said.
y/n: yeah my name is y/n and i just got here last night, my mom sold me to mattia i guess. but who are you?
you just asked curiously.
???: my name is kairi but you can call me kai, i am in a mafia with mattia and everyone in this house.
your eyes immediately shot open thinking about what he just said...
y/n: w-wait everyone is in a m-mafia?
kai: yeah i know it's shocking but honestly being in a mafia isn't as bad as it seems. we are all nice people, i mean if you are nice to us we will be nice back, but if you are a dick or one of our enemies we are not a fan of you.
you started to calm down a bit after he said that if you are nice to them they will be nice back. i mean you are a pretty nice person at times but if you be rude you can be rude too but you where just kinda scared at this point but you felt safe in some ways. you immediately got cut off my kai saying something to make you lose focus of your thoughts.
kai: so just a reminder mattia is a very good person, he will help you and he's a softy at times but when you make him mad.
he just stopped mid sentence to think about what to say.
kai: .....just please try to get on his good side please.
all you did was nod and give kai a weak smile. at that point you where tired of talking and went to get some food from the fridge.
y/n: hey kai are you hungry or did you eat already?
you said grabbing some pancake mix. he got off his phone and looked at you.
kai: no i didn't eat but if you could make something for the team that would be good!
he said all excited.
y/n: yeah i'll make that.
you said smiling at him. you thought kairi was a cutie. you wouldn't date him or anything but you could tell you where going to be besties with him. as you where making the pancakes you and kai where just talking about life and shit but as you where done making the pancakes you hear running coming from the upstairs hall, everyone started running downstairs tripping over each other. (who i mean for "everyone" i mean mattia and ale. cynthia didn't come down because she knew you where down there and didn't want to get her ass beat if she said sum smart😌)

m: this shit smells so fucking good!
he said yelling and running to get some.
ale: what did you make y/n?
y/n: i made some pancakes for everyone.
you said smiling and giving a plate to kai.
m: damn when she fine as fuck and can cook;)
he said licking his lips looking at you.
kai: aye! don't look at her like that! she's my bestie not yours!
you just looked at kai and giggled while eating your pancakes.
m: damn okay, okay chill.
he said while laughing and putting his hands up in defence. after that you all put your dishes in the sink and you went to do the dishes after everyone was done eating. as you where doing the dishes you heard a noise beside you and after you looked back you saw shadow (shadow is their dog btw)
y/n: hey buddy!
you said giggling while bending down to pet him. he came right beside you for you to pet him.
m: so you are not scared of him?
you jumped a bit but then you looked up to see mattia standing right there leaning up on the fridge.
y/n: no not really he seems pretty friendly.
you said now getting up and putting the dishes away where they go.
m: aha he sure is... and by the way um i need to tell you something.
you turned around to look at him all confused but then nodded your head to tell him go on.
m: so um i'm in a mafia..
after that you giggled a little bit
m: why are you giggling?
he now said crossing his arms looking into your eyes.
y/n: kai told me already.
mattia sighed.
m: of course he did. but other then that you kinda need to join the mafia....
you immediately looked up from the ground and just looked at him in complete shock.
y/n: wait s-so your telling me i have to join....mattia i just got here and i have no skills too do that type of shit.
m: i know, i know but i had to tell you either way. but when you join you will have personal training that we all went though to get to wheee we are now, so just please do this for me...
you couldn't really get out this situation so you just thought about it for a second... first things first the bright side, i will know how to do self defence and shit second of all i will go on cool missions and shit third of all i'll be a BADDIE😌 but now the not so good side......
i mean there is no bad side tehe;))

m: sooo have you thought about it?
y/n: yeah i have but i have one question before anything else....
m: what is your question?
y/n: will i be killing people?
m: *sigh* the thing about that is yes... yes you will but only if they get in your way or if we have too.
you thought to yourself again.... okay wel maybe there is a bad side to this.... well i mean it's not that bad if they get in my way or anything right?...right.
y/n: um yeah i guess i'm in.
m:great! now you will have to get training tomorrow morning early because we kinda have a mission tomorrow...
y/n: ok well i'll be training all day then...
m: yeah you will have to... and by the way our mafia name is the vipers... it was my dads old mafia gang name... but i just started carrying it on.
you thought to yourself whatever happened to his dad... but it was a bit to early to ask personnel questions right now but you brushed it off.
y/n: okay well thank you i'm going up stares to rest for a bit... if you need me i'll be up there.
you said giving him a smile
m: yeah same goes for you.
he said returning the smile.

as you went up stairs you got into something comfortable.
(there was no point in getting dressed but eh fuck it)

*what you wore*

as you got comfortable in bed you started watching some netflix

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as you got comfortable in bed you started watching some netflix. (any movie or show you like it doesn't matter) but after that you started feeling that your eyes were getting pretty heavy so you started to close them and fell asleep.

*that was this chapter!! i am certainly righting this at 4:56 am..... i haven't got any fucking sleep yet!!! so i'm sorry if i messed up on anything also i can't really post tomorrow because i have plans so i hope this made up for it!! and i hope you all stay safe and of course...


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