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@giraffepotato. This person has wonderful destiel stuff! Things? Timey wimey...I'll be going now...

I HAVE OVER 1,ooo reads! I just. I just...



Now to the story...

I was walking down the hall when suddenly a conversation between two guys caught my attention.

I couldn't see their faces since their backs where turned to me but what u heard infuriated me.

"It's just not natural! It's despicable!" Said the guy in the trench coat with the beautiful black messy hair.

"Hey, they're just born that way! You can't do anything about it! It's not like you can just s-stop you know!" Said the other boy, flailing his arms around. I noticed he stuttered a bit do to his anger and damn it I would be too if a friend of mine was saying that, I was gay after all!

"Hey they're not born that way! People do something to them that messes the poor things up!" Things?! Things?! Who does this guy think he is?

I walk over to the two boys and tap the guy in the trench coat on the back. He whirls around and I see amazing blue eyes before my view is blocked.

By my fist.

He drops to the ground with a thud and his friend squeals in surprise. "What did you do that for?" He screeches.

"Did you hear the way he was bashing gays? I was not just going to stand their and let him hate on innocent people! He is the one who's despicable!" I yell at him.

He shakes his head and sighs. By now we've attracted a large crowd and people where forming a circle around us, hoping for a fight that was sure to come.

"He was talking about non-organic carrots..." The guy mumbles, helping his very, very attractive friend up. I cannot stress it enough that he was gorgeous. Before, I hadn't seen his face but now? I'd give him my virginity any day!

"Wh-what? Non-organic carrots?"I squint at the guy and run a hand through my hair. not believing him.

"Yeah. He was saying about how it's unnatural to use unknown chemicals in carrots and how farmers mess them up by spraying it all over them before they're ready for the taking." Oh.

"Oh." I say out loud, feeling like the stupidest man in the universe.

"Oh." I say again, not knowing how to respond. "Well I'm sorry for punching this really attractive guy on the face. I just he was a... Homophobic prick!"

He raises an eyebrow at me and looks astonished. "Do you know you hist punched?"

I shake my head. "No sorry, this is my first day in this school. It has not been a good one."

He whistles lowly and chuckles. "Well, I'm Kevin Tran and this here is the gayest boy you'll ever meet. Castiel."

Castiel mumbles something I cannot hear due to the blood pouring fine his face and it snaps me out if my daydreaming of him making sweet love to me.

You know, the usual.

"Shit, I should take him to the infirmary." I say and take a step towards Kevin who takes a step back away from me.

"Look you already cause enough trouble I don't think it's a go-"

"Please!" I yell, cutting him off. "Do you hate me?"

"No. Why?" He asks confused.

"Because your taking away the chance for me to ask the hottest guy I've ever seen out! And if that's not cruel I don't know what is!"

Realization crosses his face and he whispers something in Cas face, making the angel flush bright red.

Taking that as an okay I take Castiel away from Kevin. "Well nice to meet you. Bye!"

Kevin nods with an impish grin on his face and then fear settles I his face. "Oh my goodness I'm late for class! Bye, text me the details Castiel and don't..."

Kevin's voice trails off as he in to far away for us to hear him. I turn to Castiel and grin.

"Do you think you can stand up in your own?" I ask him sweetly, turning on my charm.

He nods a yes with his head.

"Don't be stupid! You can't stand up! Here, I'll carry you." Okay, obviously he can walk on his own just one but I wanted an excuse to have him in my arms.

I hoist him up and he whines, making the first coherent sentence since I unfortunately punched him. "Please, put me me down."

I shiver and hold him tighter. That voice could make me cum in my pants. It was rough and deep, sounding beautifully alluring.

And hot. Like, fuck-me-already-'cause-baby-you-on-fire hot.

I shake my head. "Hmm let me think about it?" I tap my chin. "No."

And with that we're off to the nurses where his welcomed withs, "Not again." And, "Was it Crowley." And my favourite. "Is this your boyfriend he's a cutie."

He sat down on the infirmary bed and hung his head. "No. He hit me."

All of their heads snap to me and I gulp. "It was an accident," I defend myself. "I thought he was talking bad about homosexuals."

They all stare at me and then suddenly burst out laughing, some wiping tears from their eyes.

"Honey," said a red headed nurse. "He's more gay than a unicorn dancing on a rainbow on their way to Narnia."

I turn to Cas and give him a shy smile. Leaning in, I whisper in his ear. "I'm sorry. I'm Dean by the way, I'm gay."

He giggles and passes out, falling on the mattress.

There goes my future husband.

Well then.

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