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Lev felt his heart drop as he reread his conversation with Bokuto.  The mere thought of ignoring Yaku made his heart ache and his mind cloudy.  He was in too deep.  Far too deep for his fragile soul to handle.  Lev reached for his phone and blasted music to ease the pain, to numb himself, to force his mind to become blank.  Hellevator by Stray Kids came blasting through his earbuds as he recited the lyrics (ok so just pretend he speaks korean cuz yeah)

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff, I'm walking in a dark tunnel

Lev's life had always been darker than anyone could ever know.  From the time he was a little kid he had been proclaimed to be the "outcast" and suffered years worth of bullying.  His life hit rock bottom quickly and he never had the strength to go back up.

I'm holding up this cruel dreadful day alone

Alone.  Lev was able to surround himself with friends when he got to high school but the loneliness never seemed to fade.  Lev had spent years building his happy facade and despite how hard times could get in his own world, he never let it crack.  He always stayed happy, with a permanent smile plastered on his face.  No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open up.  He was alone.

Shaking his negative thoughts, Lev paused the music and opened up to his earlier conversations with Yaku.  He allowed himself to once again smile at the cringe-worthy conversations and cute remarks they would make, turning a blind eye to the tear slowly rolling down his face.  

Is this the end?

Lev reread everything one more time, memorizing every word as goodbye to Yaku.  He knew Bokuto was right, Yaku probably didn't care.  He'd probably be happy if Lev left.  Lev shut down every remotely happy thought as haunting memories came flooding back to him.  His last love, his last heartbreak, how Hinata was able to move on so quickly leaving Lev behind, heartbroken.

 I'm not going through that again.

tolbean: i'm sorry

mamakat: what?

*tolbean has blocked mamakat*

a/n: so what if i just make this angsty?


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