i hate this and im sorry

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a/n: hi i just wanted to let everyone know that this chapter will be a bit heavier than my usual ones, and it'll contain the word f*g and it will contain abuse so if any of that triggers you don't hesitate to skip this chapter. i also wanna make it clear that i have nothing against the gays lol i literally am one and writing the words f*g hurt me a lot.  anyway make sure you put your own health and safety first! 


Yaku's eyes fluttered open as he looked up from his bed to see his mother angrily waving something in his face.  As Yaku felt himself wake up a bit more, his vision focused on what his mom was holding in her hand.

His cell phone, still open to his last conversation with Lev.

His heart dropped as he thought on his feet to make up a lie, any lie to satisfy his disgustingly homophobic mother.

"Uhhhh, I was working on a project with him and... that's it."

Yaku's mother sat down on the bed next to him and looked into his eyes.  He gave her a soft smile and she smiled back.  Yaku let his hopes get up, thinking she had believed the lie.  And then Yaku felt her palm harshly slap his cheek.

"YOU DISGUSTING LYING PIECE OF SHIT!  TELL ME WHAT HE ACTUALLY IS, YOUR 'BOYFRIEND'?" Yaku's mother screamed into his face, scrolling angrily through his conversations with his beloved Lev.  She suddenly stopped at one and scoffed in annoyance.

"I'll be yours? EXPLAIN THIS NOW MORISUKE!" She yelled into his face as Yaku tried not to cry, especially when he had to think of a lie and fast.


"Save your pathetic lies Morisuke, I thought I raised you better than this!  Are you going to be one of those pathetic gay shits?!  Did you think the world would really be all sunshine and rainbows where you could be happy and get married" Yaku's mom said in a mocking tone, with anger tainting her eyes.  Yaku let out a defeated whimper, which was enough of an answer for his mother.

"He... HE CORRUPTED YOU!  YOU FUCKING FAG!" She shrieked as she struck her son across his face again, making Yaku fall to the floor as tears welled up in his eyes.  His cheek stung as an angry red color spread across where he had gotten hit.  Yaku's mom took the opportunity to swiftly leave the room, locking Yaku inside without any food or water or any basic survival needs on that matter.  She grinned evilly as she decided to send one final text to her son's "boyfriend".

mamakat: dont fucking talk to me ever again

mamakat: playing with your pathetic feelings was pretty fun, but im over it now 

mamakat: i dont love you and i never did you disgusting faggot

seen 9:37 AM

a/n: ive been planning this since i wrote the 21 questions chapter and i fucking hate it. i feel like an awful person and i just wanna hug them both and make them love each other forever and make them always be happy but the story needed some angst... im sorry

-a very sad norah

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