im sorry

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It had been about 30 minutes of running, Yaku couldn't take it anymore but knew he had to keep going, he had to see Lev at least one more time.  His running had slowed to jogging and soon he collapsed on the side of the dark Tokyo streets, surrounded by minimal traffic and flickering street lights.  

A mere 15 minutes later, the boy's eyes fluttered open revealing a depressing white hallway rather than the dirty city alleys.  Forcing himself to get up, Yaku scanned his surroundings before his eyes widened in realization.

He had made it to the hospital.

Rather than wondering how he had gotten there, he was tripping over himself to find anyone, just anyone who had any information on Lev.  A voice randomly called out to him, almost like his own personal muse.  Turning around, he saw a doctor standing nervously at the other end of the hallway, proceeding to continue with what he was saying.

"Mr. Morisuke?"

"Yes, that's me."

"You're probably wondering why you're here."

"It doesn't matter right now.  How is he?"

"Ah okay, you're here for Lev Haiba, right?"

"Yes I am."

"Oh... I'm really sorry young man."

"What, what're are you saying?"


"D-did something happen?"

"I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this,"



"Please tell me you're joking..."

"He didn't make it."

a/n: my insomnia is getting worse and i'm writing this at like 2 AM or something, why can't i just be normal?  i want to be able to sleep for more than 2 hours a night instead of lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling for hours so that i can actually give you guys good content cuz you all deserve it but im sorry, i just can't.  i know my chapters are getting worse each day, and theyre getting so much shorter. i'm so sorry, hopefully you all understand the reason though.  everything i'm saying probably makes no sense since in the past 48 hours i've only gotten 5 hours of sleep but whatever.  im really sorry everyone.


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