when it when kill lev?

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a/n: hmmm... does the title of this chapter look familiar to anyone else?

Yaku's eyes fluttered open as he sat up, his breathing jagged and his heart beating rapidly.  He looked around, searching for the doctor who gave him the dreadful news, but instead he found a girl with familiar green eyes and silver hair smiling sweetly at him.

"Oh good, you're awake!" 

He took a minute to scan his surroundings, before hesitantly nodding to show he heard the girl.

"Great!  I'm Alisa and I'm Lev's sister.  You must be Yaku!" Alisa said excitedly.  It was clear that Lev had told Alisa about him from the way she was looking at him, slightly scaring Yaku.

"Uh, yeah I am.  Lev, is he.... is he dead?" Yaku asked while trying to keep his voice from breaking and the tears from flowing.  Her excited look was replaced with a somber one as she opened her mouth to say something but then decided against it.

"Alisa?" He questioned, trying to get her to open up and tell Yaku what was really going on.  Tears brimmed the corners of her eyes as she looked up to Yaku and decided to tell him the truth.

"Technically no, he's alive, for now at least.  But we don't know if he's going to make it, there's only an 18% chance of his survival and even if he does survive we don't know if he'll be ever completely stable.  I'm so sorry Yaku," She spoke softly, her voice trailing off towards the end as she broke down.  Yaku felt himself start to cry as well, but more in a sense of happiness, as he embraced Alisa in attempt to comfort her.  Despite everything going on around him, Lev wasn't gone yet and that gave him a small sense of hope.

So it was all just a dream...Lev still has a chance.  It may be a small chance, but it's a chance nonetheless."

a/n: my friend told me that "cool authors" dont respond to their readers every time they comment but fuck it cuz i love interacting with you guys. 


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