im sorry

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mamakat: i dont love you and i never did you disgusting faggot

tolbean: yaku what?

tolbean: youre joking right

mamakat: wow youre really a dumb fuck arent you

mamakat: did you really think anyone could ever love your pathetic ass?

mamakat: you stupid piece of shit

tolbean: this isnt like you

mamakat: what makes you think you know me?

mamakat: you thought i actually cared about you?

tolbean: i dont believe this

mamakat: believe it bitch

mamakat: im bored of you now

mamakat: bye you useless whore

*mamakat has blocked tolbean*

a/n: i hate writing angst because i feel like everyone who reads it hates me afterwards and enough people who know me irl hate me so yeah... also i always end up feeling bad for the fictional characters like lev sweetie let me hug you forever.


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