Chapter 85

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No one's POV

IDOLiSH7 shifted in their seats, unable to get used to the luxurious feel of the leather seats. Gaku kept his eyes on the clouds nonchalantly floating past, envying their lack of worry and concern.

"...(Y/n)'s mum and our dad had an arranged marriage," he started quietly.

The others stopped their soft chatter to listen to the male talk. His eyes grew distant as he reminisced the past that was once only his and his sister's to share...a past that was now beyond the point of remaining in secretive caves found in enchanted forests.

"They had her and divorced only two years later. They fought and fought and eventually couldn't take it anymore."
"Is that why she moved to America?" asked Riku.
"Yeah, she wanted to focus on her career. Who knew she'd end up marrying again?..."
"What happened to (Y/n) after that?" Tamaki asked.
"Dad raised her. Well, most of the time he left her with a nanny. But whenever he was with her, he'd look at her with disdain. He'd beat her. You have to understand...he abused her. He'd find whatever reason to scold her."

Although his tone was stoic, his eyes betrayed his unwavering indifference. They spoke of hatred for Mr Yaotome, sorrow for his only sister, anger at himself for not being able to protect his most precious family.

"As much as I'd hate to admit it, he did teach her things. Business. Behavioural attributes. Manipulation. She was basically a child grownup."
"Then how..." Mitsuki began.
"How did she remain so kind? Isn't that obvious? She met me, of course."

The others allowed themselves to smile. Gaku also found himself inclined to share in their subtle familial warmth.

"I'm partly joking. She was still a child. Innocent and naive. Eager to copy others. She watched other children and wanted to be like them. Dad took her to see me and my mum one day, saying that since she was my half-sister, I should take some responsibility and look after her because he was too busy with more important things."

They bore gazes of sympathy and worry for the male now at the centre of attention. His hand grabbed the cool, smooth glass off the table before he took a sip of the red wine.

"I was shocked to find out about (Y/n), but I was happy too. I played with her whenever I had the chance. We were inseparable. This angered dad. She should've been studying, not playing. I taught her though. Maths, science, languages. Basically whatever I learnt at school."
"That must've been nice..." Riku exclaimed softly.
" was. Later, he sent (Y/n) away. I didn't find out until after she's gone. I was mad. I wouldn't listen to anyone at the time."
"Where did he send her to?" asked Sogo.
"To America. She stayed there for her middle school years before coming back to complete high school. Her mum met her by coincidence and took her in for the time she stayed."

He took another sip. The air conditioning of the plane suddenly became too cold. The fresh atmosphere was now coated in reminiscent pain. The clouds had darkened, the skies representing a sense of darkness.

"Her mum taught her how to act. In fact, she'd been acting before she went to America. She loved it. She appeared in some children's magazines while in America but never got further than that."
"Wasn't she lonely without you?" Yamato asked.
"I guess. She had her mum, and Isaac and Violet were there too. After she came back, she immediately became Trigger's assistant manager and the four of us have been friends ever since."

IDOLiSH7 remained as quiet as mice hiding from a cat. The comfortability of the seats helped alleviate some of their aching anxieties yet nothing could ease the pain gnawing at their insides.

The only sound that could be heard was the quiet buzz of the plane and the soft music playing in the background...well, if one pretended to ignore Nagi's sobbing.

"Come on, you're making a mess," Mitsuki said while handing the blonde male a tissue.
"What about (L/n)-san..." Iori started.

He couldn't bring himself to finish the rest of the sentence. His hand shivered involuntarily at the thought of her brother's rage. He was scared to ask, but even more afraid of his answer.

"Listen, no matter what you guys think, my sister didn't betray you," Gaku said sharply.
"What are you talking about?" Tamaki asked.
"Father forced her to. He hated the fact that she was working for a third rate company. He wanted her to severe ties with you so what better way than to threaten her with your safety?"
"...y-you mean..."
"That's right. (Y/n) left you because she thought of you guys as friends."
"After everything we've said and done to her..."

This time, Iori couldn't hold back. His heart had erupted from the agony of it all, from the inevitable knowledge that his mind refused to ignore. He had been terrible to the one he truly loved despite knowing that there was a possibility that she hadn't meant him harm.

Tears slid down his cheeks, cutting him with everything that he refused to accept. He held his head in his hands, shaking slightly. He'd chosen to date Naomi because he thought (Y/n) was too far out of reach. He hadn't bothered to try.

He'd noticed her pain more than the others yet in the end, he hadn't been able to help her. He'd allowed her to fall while under the illusion that it was for the best. However, she remained strong in those times and he was now a crying mess.

"Iori..." Mitsuki started.

He immediately pulled his 'perfect' brother into his embrace, wanting to take away the knife edged deep in his heart. The dark-haired male shivered under his brother's hold as his heart shouted for (Y/n) to come back.

"You'd better have one hell of an apology to make it up to my sister," Gaku stated.
"We haven't thought that far yet. We just kinda assumed we'd just apologise..." Riku replied.

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