Never trust

208 9 15

TW: intense abuse/torture

His shoulders ached and felt like they were being ripped from his body. He pulled himself up a bit to take the pressure off his lungs. His chest burned from lack of oxygen. The ropes around his wrists burned.

How long had he been tied up here? He knew that soon he would lose the strength in his arms to pull himself off and his weight will force his lungs to collapse. Then, he will die. He tried to use his telekinesis to break himself out but he didn't have the strength.

His breathes were shallow and he heard pounding steps coming towards him. He looked around the room through his broken glasses, calculating. It seemed to be a dungeon of sorts, he was hanging in the center of the room, his feet inches from the ground. A dark shadow in the doorway was watching him, eyes glowing a bright white. The lights flipped off.

Thump. Thump. Thump. 

Screams echoed around the cavern. It took him a moment to realize they were his own. He felt like a piñata, only instead of candy, blood poured out of him. Bruises blossomed over him and his skin split and swelled. He kept kicking but only managed to contact the metal bat in the darkness.

A mechanical sound flooded through and he felt himself be slammed to the ground as the beating stopped. He collapsed to the ground, gasping for air, unable to stand as he rubbed his shoulders. He was positive they were dislocated and his entire body stung.

"How does that feel, Logan?" A voice that he instantly recognized hissed through the darkness.

But no... it couldn't be him...


Revenge was supposed to be sweet. He was supposed to enjoy it. So why did it make him feel so sick? Did he have to do it? Surely there was another way? No? Well, if he must. He thudded down the stairs, aware of the echo of his footsteps.

The stench of human and blood wafted through the air. Not that he, himself, wasn't human, but that didn't mean he liked their smell. Sweat mixed with dirt along with a touch of desperation and very little hope.

He picked up the bat and stared out to the hanging figure for a moment. His eyes glowed as he flashed back to a similar image. The one in the present time was the one at fault for his brother's death.

He flipped the lights off so his victim couldn't see where he was. He used his night vision so he could make his way over the dark, slimy floor. He wore bare feet to fuel his sense of reality. He had to stay here and not snap.

He didn't want to kill Logan. Heroes don't kill. They save lives! Vengeance was his personal... pleasure. He swung the bat and it connected with the boy's body with a sickening crack.

The beautiful shrieks were music to his ears. Too soon, however, he recognized the slump of the man flailing like a fish on a hook. He sighed and flipped a switch, dropping Logan to the ground.

"How does that feel, Logan," He hissed, circling the nearly unconscious body on the floor.

He muttered something before passing out cold.


A/n: Heya, Kiddos! I'm sorry I have to do this to Logan :/ You may kill me if you wish!

Who do you think did this to our logic boy? *sobs*

Started: 8/18/2020

lemme know if I miss any trigger warnings throughout the series!

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