Scarred by NoorahDham

42 13 5

Title: Scarred (Shawn Mendes Fanfic)

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Title: Scarred (Shawn Mendes Fanfic)

Author: NoorahDham

Title: 5/5

Cover: 4/5

Blurb: 8/10

Grammar: 16/20

Character Development: 15/20

Original: 18/20

Total: 84/100

Honest Review:

The title is really telling and creative.

The cover is cute and I really like the font, but the picture could suit the story better.

The blurb is excellent, especially the beginning. However, I suggest adding a little more description afterward about the other characters, etc. This is to give the reader more information about what they will be reading about before diving headfirst into the story.

Your grammar is on point! Although I did notice some trivial errors like you would sometimes have a space at the end of the quotation mark (EX: "You should delete this extra space,")

Your plot is actually unique, which was very surprising. I haven't read a lot of fanfiction, but before reading the first chapter and from simply the title alone, I thought it would be some story about Shawn Mendes being the good guy he is in real life XD. The twist that got me hooked was the fact in this story, he is clearly not! This ties in with the originality of your story, which will intrigue readers and keep them begging for more. I also really like how the first line alone is very clear to the reader that the girl is self-conscious and is being bullied. That first line paragraph is always crucial for a book because you are promising the reader what the book will be about. You executed that perfectly! Also, your first chapter in general really gave a lot of information through SHOWING and not info-dumping, which is wonderful. It propelled the reader into the story in a clear and concise manner in the MC's mindset.

My overall suggestion is to add more description in your paragraphs. Although, I do understand if shorter sentences are the tone of you are aiming for (Which you do really well, btw.) I think maybe adding a few more words here and there wouldn't hurt. It doesn't have to be some poetic and flowery Shakespeare writing, but too many short sentences make the writing sound choppy. Try reading your work out loud of having someone else out loud read it. Is the way it sounds something you would in real life? Something you would read in real life?

Overall, your story has a lot of potential here on Wattpad! With just a few tweaks here and there, you could really go places. All in all, this was a very interesting and surprising read. I'm impressed!


Thank you ridampanesar for the wonderful review

Thank you ridampanesar for the wonderful review

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