The Claimed: A Clash Of Copper and Golf by Spelunkadunk

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Title: The Claimed: A Clash Of Copper and Golf

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Title: The Claimed: A Clash Of Copper and Golf

Author: spelunkadunk

Title: 3/5

Cover: 2.5/5

Blurb: 9/10

Grammar: 18/20

Plot: 13.5/20

Character Development: 17/20

Original: 15/20

Total: 78/100

Honest Review:

I really like the book. I'm normally not much of a fan of LGBTQ+ but I didn't mind much and it wasn't cringy. Also, with the way you portrayed and your characters, it was impossible to have any passive feelings towards them. I don't know how you could do that, but it was impressive. I didn't see many places to criticize and that's thanks to your lovely skills as a writer. I did feel sometimes that the interaction between the reader and the story/characters. Sometimes, I literally laughed at some of the character's actions and statements, however, I felt that at some points, I wasn't engaged. I was even bored at some points. I skipped over a part before I realized that I was judging and I'd have to read it all. After that, it was pretty smooth, though. I liked the plot and the pace at which things went. 

The book was an overall spectacle. I'm a strict critic from what I've learned thus far, and consider me impressed! To the writer, I'll be reading your beautiful work. Keep writing, as you do it so well. 


Thank you Starrlite101 for the amazing review

Thank you Starrlite101 for the amazing review

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