29/ My Girl

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FP had come home early that day while Fred was out sealing the deal with a client. Just when he was about to finish one of the sketches of the new buildings they were working out, the landline ringed.

It had been ages since someone had last used that one, especially when it was so easy to directly call to someone's cellphone if you wanted to speak to them.

"Andrews and Jones residence, FP speaking." FP picked up, his voice formal.

"Hello? It's me. JB." A girl's voice echoed softly from the other side of the line.

"Jellybelly?" FP perked up immediately, his voice hopeful.

They hadn't really talked that much after he had left Toledo. He didn't blame her for that, as she had still a lot to process when it came to their bond.

"Jughead isn't home, is he?" She asked, her voice a little insecure.

"No Bean, I am sorry." FP said quietly. The boy was out with Archie today to stop by Pop's and have one of his classic milkshakes.

"I am glad to hear your voice, though. How have you been?" FP asked her sweetly, a smile tugging on his lips. He prayed she was okay with talking to him.

"I am happy to hear you too. I've been good. Just wanted to ask when Jughead was coming back." Jellybean said calmly, explaining her reasons to dial to the landline.

"You sure you are alright? Is your Mom good to you? Do you want to stay here for a few weeks just like your brother?" FP asked her, hoping that she'd want to stay with him for a while if Gladys was okay with it.

"Yeah, Mom is good to me. She knows I don't buy her crap anymore, so she tries to make it up a bit." Jellybean smirked a little, and the mischievous tone in her voice made FP smile.

"Okay, that makes me feel a bit better." He relaxed as much as he could. However, she had dogged one of his questions.

"And about staying here.... would you love that?" FP asked insecurely, afraid that he might push her to something she wasn't comfortable with yet.

"I wish I could Dad, but school won't let me. I don't want to switch schools all the time." She explained him honestly. It wasn't as if she didn't want to see her father— she desperately did. Things just weren't so easy.

"I understand, Jellybelly." FP said softly, but disappointed. He knew that he couldn't expect her to come live with him, but knowing that things were so difficult broke his heart.

"It's just that..." FP started to stutter a little. He wasn't used to being vulnerable around his daughter.

"I miss you so much." He let out, his lips quivering while he bit his bottom one to stop himself from crying.

"I miss you too, daddy." Jellybean said quietly, her voice pitching higher as the emotions took over.

"If I could turn back time to protect you from all the hurt that I caused I would, baby girl. I really would." FP told her with the guilt noticeable in his voice.

"You're getting better, that is what matters. I am not mad anymore. Why are you still mad at yourself?" She was confused about why he was still beating himself up after she had told him all was okay now.

"For ever causing you sadness, Bean." FP said quietly.

It was his biggest regret. His kids never should have suffered because of him. Heck, not even Gladys had deserved it, not even if she kept on feeding his illness.

"I'll promise to stop by soon, okay? Tell that idiot brother of mine that I called." Jellybean smirked at the other side of the line.

"I can't wait to see you, sweetheart. I'll tell Jughead." FP promised, a smile tugging on his lips as well.

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