Goodnight Suppasit

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"Someone please!" Gulf, Ohm, and Bright jumped at the voice. "Please anyone!"

"It sounds like Salsa." They all ran in that direction, panicked, wondering why the Hospital was so deserted. They were surprised to see Salsa on her knees trying to lift Suppasit.

Salsa spotted them. "Please help me! He's losing too much blood." Gulf quickly went over and picked up his Angel. The floor was painted with Suppasit's blood and a man was picking himself out of the water.

They headed back in the room to see a dazed Krist and pissed off Singto.

"That son of a bitch!" Singto rushed Gulf. Both Bright and Ohm quickly grabbed his arms before Singto could reach him.

"Whoa! Stop Singto!" Bright bellowed.

"He hurt my Mate!" Singto bared his teeth. Gulf narrowed his eyes and used his body to shield Suppasit.

"Singto, it was an accident." Krist tried to calm him "I startled him."

"That doesn't matter; no one harms what's mine!"

Krist came from behind and hugged Singto. Bright and Ohm both let go of his arms and backed away. Krist kissed his neck, smiling. "Singto, why don't you always act like this?" Krist signed. Singto jerked.

The next thing you knew Singto punched Krist in the head. "Idiot!"

Krist grinned. He quickly held Singto before he could escape. "I'm fine it just took me by surprise, I promise you." Singto grumbled, relaxing a bit.

"Krist, I need your assistance." Gulf asked impatiently. Krist nodded.

"No way, Krist isn't-" Krist whispered something in his ear that made the man blush. Singto scowled and stormed out of the hospital.

"Put him on the bed please. Salsa, help me." Salsa nodded. Krist pushed the others outside so that they could examine Suppasit.

"My God, you weren't joking. He's pretty broken up." Bright said. Gulf nodded grimly.

"Can you guys fill me in on who he is?" Ohm asked.

Bright explained how Gulf has been meeting up with his Black Angel. Gulf then explained what happened when his Angel suddenly appeared before him, torn up and broken.

"Was he injured in the war?" Bright wondered.

"I don't know, Krist said he was attacked by a group. Pieces of his black armor were still on him. Maybe?" Gulf was frustrated that he didn't know. "But I don't think it was Angels, it looked like his armor was clawed off."

"Demons have been known to get aggressive and among their own kind too. Wonder what he did to piss them off so much."

"He does look weak, maybe because he was easy prey?" Ohm wondered.

Bright shook his head. "How bout we find out when the guy wakes up? It's better than guessing like this." Everyone nodded.

Gulf remembered about Salsa. "Salsa knows him by the way; apparently when she was alive she and Suppasit were to wed."

"Suppasit?" Bright asked.

Gulf nodded "That's his name."

"Do you know how he died then?"

Gulf shook his head. "Salsa said when they were both thirteen there was an invasion upon their keep. She was in her room when they killed her, she doesn't know what happened to Suppasit."

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