Black wings

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Type waved his hand to erase the illusion. In reality Mew was still unconscious being held up by a Demon.

"How did you do that?" Lee asked awed. This was the first time that Lee has seen his powers in person.

Type grinned "I simply put Mew in his mind waking up and betraying him. His own mind was the enemy. It was all Gulf's doubt that played Mew in his mind. I can manipulate it all at will."

"So you made him believe that Mew was our ally?"

Type nodded. He knew that Gulf was so caught off guard that Mew apparently was the Raven to see the lie before his eyes. Type looked at Mew. "Chain him up. I'll meet with my lover soon."

The High Demon who held him nodded dragging Mew out the door.


"Joong? Is that really you?" Gulf adjusted his eyes to see not only Joong but many more Angels in chains.

The Angels who disappeared a hundred years ago.

"Mr. Gulf!" Joong started to cry a little looking relieved. Joong reached out to hug him. Gulf, taken by surprise at first, hugged him back.

"It's good to see you man." Gulf looked at the others. "What happened to you guys?"

"We really don't know exactly what happened either but there was a bright light and then darkness. We woke up with our Armor gone and in chains. We also can't trace or move our wings, some Angels are blind."


"They have been experimenting on us. The green chemical that's on you right now somehow affects both the wings and tracing."

"My God…You guys were down here the whole time…I'm sorry we thought that you guys were dead. We tried to search for you all over."

"Don't worry about it. We are in the bellows of Hell; you guys wouldn't be able to get in with all these Demons guarding the place."

Gulf still felt guilty. He could have tried harder; he and his men should have stormed into Hell and killed these bastards once and for all.

Joong hesitated. "How's Ni…?"

Gulf smiled. "Alive and missing you."

Joong frowned with determination. "We will find a way to get out of here."

Gulf nodded. But how?

He needed to plan. How to get injured Angels out of here? They couldn't shift or fly.

What about Mew?

I can change him. I can make him understand right from wrong. Once I escape…

He was talking himself into the impossible, because he wanted his Mate back beyond reason.


Mew opened his eyes to see a dark empty room. Confused he moved to find himself chained. His feet weren't touching the ground and the chins held him up by his hands. Already blood dripped down from his hands because the chains were a little sharp.

Why was he here? The last thing he remembered was being on the beach when the agonizing pain took him.

Mew heard the familiar moans and screams of hell. How did he get into Hell?

Luckily the pull was no longer a burden. He was completely healed.

Mew pulled on the chains. Did he shift here? Or did someone bring him. Mew tensed at that. What if they now had Gulf?

Mew roared. He twisted around and pulled with all his might. He wasn't getting anywhere with these chains. He knew they held firm, they were Dragon scales, and these chains would be impossible to free himself from without the key. Still he was determined to find Gulf and get him out of here.

He felt his control slipping, anger rising from his core, and for the first time in his life he welcomed it. He wanted out of these chains and to find his Mate.

"Geez, someone's pissed off." Mew froze and turned to see Lee standing by the doorway.

"You piece of shit! Just wait when I get my hands on you!" He wrenched his arms hard against his chains in frustration.

The guy only smirked. Mew growled, on the verge of losing it, ready to get his hands on the guy's neck.

"Before you black out again there's someone here to meet you." Lee turned and bowed to someone Mew couldn't see.

He saw a shadow in the doorway getting closer. Mew held his head high.

Mew lost his breath to see Type walking toward him.

He has Black Wings…


Type smiled. "Why Mew, you didn't know? I have always been a Demon. In fact I am their leader."

To be continued.

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