Love Me Too

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Gulf was beyond irritated. He already checked five bars with no sign of Suppasit and Fluke. The worst part was that whenever he went into a bar Angels recognized him and asked him to have a drink with them killing precious time.

Gulf reached the last bar in this district. He knew that there were dozens more in the other two.

The bar was taller than the others, inside many angels sat in the stools waiting for their drinks, many chatting and laughing. Dozens upon dozens of alcohol beverages were displayed for all to see. Soft lights illuminated the room giving it both a romantic and relaxing glow. There were multiple doors that held private rooms for those who had parties or for business.

Gulf went to each door to hear who was inside. He would also be able to feel Suppasit. Gulf found out that they had a sort of connection to detect when they were near each other. He didn't know how but he was grateful for it. On the ninth door Gulf heard his co-workers...singing?

He went in to see everyone dancing around the room and table. Gulf stood there trying not to laugh at the scene before him. There was not one person who wasn't drunk.

Ohm was holding a blushing Fluke, drunkenly kissing the guy, Fluke tried his hardest to push him away but the small man was no match for the taller guy, serving him right. Bright was dancing around the room singing with everyone else.

Suppasit just sat there looking amused with a glass of alcohol to his lips. Relief washed over him, Suppasit looked fine.

Was...was Suppasit's eyes open a little? Gulf narrowed his own. There were. Only he couldn't see the color of his eyes correctly due to the lack of light.

"Gulf!" Bright fell on him, he reeked of alcohol. "Where the hell have you been? Here!" Bright handed Gulf a glass filled with an aqua blue liquid. "Drink up! Tonight we live!" Bright left to dance with the others again. Shaking his head he put the drink down and went to collect Suppasit.

"Suppasit, come." Gulf tried to pick him up but he kept slugging to the side making Gulf lose balance in the small room. "Hey! Come on"

"No." How did Suppasit sound so drunk when he showed no expression of it?

Gulf took the drink from his hand and settled it on the table. Suppasit tried to reach for it again but Gulf grabbed his arms and quickly shifted them to Suppasit's bedroom.

"Hey! I was ready to leave yet!"

"Too bad, you're too drunk." Gulf tried to remove Suppasit's stained color shirt when Suppasit suddenly pushed him down on the bed.

"Hmm what were you trying to do there?" Suppasit's seductive voice shivered through Gulf.

He scowled. "Suppasit get off."

He smiled, his eyes half open. Because of the dark room he only saw dark eyes, color wasn't visible. Still it caused Gulf's heart to beat erratically. He needed light. He needed to see those beautiful eyes.

"I am and you're gonna help me."

Gulf chuckled. "I didn't mean it like that."

Suppasit leaned down and bit the pulse at Gulf's neck. Gulf moaned. " that." Gulf summoned his will power to not get caught up in his own desire to take Suppasit.

Gulf leaned up on his elbows trying to get Suppasit off. Suppasit ignored him and started unbuttoning Gulf's shirt. "Suppasit stop!"

"Why? I want you." Gulf grabbed his hands, stopping him.

"Not like this." He wanted to make love to him, yes, but not when Suppasit was drunk and wouldn't remember anything.

Suppasit looked at him. Gulf sucked in a breath. Was that a hint of green? No, maybe he was seeing things. Suppasit closed his eyes as he started grinding on Gulf. Suppasit's short, soft moans grew louder with each of his breaths. Gulf moaned, slowly losing his mind.

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