Leave him behind

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Type was a High Demon? Impossible.

Both men stayed quiet as Mew kept spinning around uncontrollably. Mew scowled, really? His cheeks heated.

Type chuckled. "Get him a stool already." A few minutes later Lee came back with the stool and put it under Mew. Mew took the chance to kick him, sending him flying out the door crashing walls on the way. Mew heard him roar.

"How?" Mew demanded of Type.

"Ah, yes. Well like I said I have always been a Demon."

Mew shook his head. "No, you were human."

Type shook his head. "Nope, born a Demon here. You know that some Demons go into Earth and wreak havoc right? Well I was one of them."

"But when you died I had the pleasure of torturing you!"

Type smirked, "I have this special ability see..." A man suddenly appeared beside Type. It was the human soul Type. "I create illusions using your mind." The illusion disappeared with a wave of his hand.

"Using my mind?" Mew tried to hold on what little control he had, he needed to know what the fuck was happening.

"To be more specific I plant seeds into the minds. It's the person themselves that makes it grow. I'll just add to it. Like you I planted the seed of Hate; with your hate you helped it grow as well as the illusion."

"So you were in Hell this whole time?"

Type shook his head. "Nope I was on earth creating more Demons like you."

Mew froze. "You…"

"Yes! I heard about you and I had to have you in my army. But alas I'm disappointed in you Mew. I had hoped that you would lead my army of Demons. But no, instead you decide to do nothing." So Type was a Demon in disguise of a human? It has been made since. A Demon could not harm humans with a sword or their power; it was a curse to Demons God gave them. But they could whisper evil into humans. Humans with weak minds usually succumb to them. That was why there is so much folklore about an Angel and Demon on a human's shoulder.

"You…You fucken bastard!" He shook in his chains trying to rip them off. He started to lose control. He wanted to kill. Type only smirked. "You planned it all along."

"Yeap! I was able to kill you because you were no longer human, you were already going through the change of becoming a Demon. I helped you with it. But I have to admit you did scare me as I plunged that knife into you, you had such a frightening face, I could see all the things you were going to do to me…" Type shivered. "I loved it. Now have fun while I go and destroy your new friends."

Mew froze. "What." He rasped.

"Your Angels won't live tonight. Remember that chemical the demons used on you? Well we are going to use it on the Angels."

"NO! I won't let you!"

"You can't do anything Mew."

"When I get out of here I'll shove that poison down your throat!"

Type laughed. "Ah, but the chemical doesn't work on Demons."

Mew frowned. "You're wrong, it worked on me and so it will work on you. You created your own destruction."

"You're…different." Mew only frowned in confusion. What did he mean? "Lee had fun with him." Lee grinned. Mew growled as he saw the Demon holding a whip with spikes.

"Oh and Mew, it's good to see you again, I hope that once this war is over you will choose to rule Heaven with me." With that Type left, leaving Mew alone with Lee.

I have to get out of here…


-29 minutes in…

Gulf knew it was useless, he tried to find a way to break the bars but nothing was forthcoming. He tried to take the chains off but it seemed that the chains were stronger than the sharp bars.

"That's no use Mr. Gulf." There were mummers of agreement deeper in the darkness.

"I can't just give up." Gulf growled. Even rocks were sliced in half. He needed to get these Angels out of here.

Joong signed. "We tried multiple ways to escape but nothing has worked so far."

Gulf noticed that Joong was too skinny. He hesitated. "You haven't eaten…"

Joong shook his head. "They mostly forget to feed us, not that they care."

Gulf gritted his teeth. He was going to kill every last single Demon.

"Mr. Gulf, how did they get you?"

Gulf hesitated. He didn't want to talk about it when it was still fresh in his mind. The thought about Mew made him wince at his own stupidity. He faintly remembered the night when he first made love with him that he thought he saw a glimmer of soft brown eyes in the darkness of the room.

Joong noticed his pained reaction and opened his mouth to say something when there was a crash of rock to the right of them. Gulf stood up afraid they threw something in here to hurt them.

Both men waited as the dust cleared and their eyes widened to see Bright.

"Fucken hell man!' He yelled as he shook his head, dust flying all over him.

-30 minutes time

"Bright…are you really…How did you…?"

Bright grinned, his eyes not yet adjusted to the dark. "I put a spell on your clothes when I grabbed your shoulder. I've been working on it for a while now and it finally worked! I am able to shift to a person this way."

Gulf laughed, grateful that rescue has come.

"Now let's get you-"

"Wait! Take them first."

"Them?" Bright looked to his right. It took awhile for him to completely adjust his eyes to the darkness of the cave and he gasped. "Joong? And the others?"

"Stop hesitating, take them now!" Bright nodded and grabbed as much as he could come in contact with then shifted to the hospital. It took another thirty minutes for all the Angels to be freed.

Gulf was the last one.

"Why the hell didn't you help?"

Gulf shook his head. "They used this chemical that renders shifting and flying useless."

"Seriously? Shit that would be a problem then." Bright looked around not finding anyone else. "Gulf where is Suppasit?' Bright refused to leave without him. Gulf stayed silent. "Gulf! snap out of it! we have to get out of here!"

"Leave him." Gulf said quietly, not looking at the man.


"I said leave him."

"You gotta be joking! We're not leaving-"

Gulf shook his head. "He betrayed us, it was Mew all along."


"It was a trap to capture me."

Bright refused to believe it. "They must have tricked you. Suppasit couldn't-"

"He said it with his own mouth, Bright, Listen to me. He betrayed us." Gulf shouted the last part. His voice shaking with grief and hate.

Bright couldn't believe it but the despair on the man's face said it all. Both men froze as a Demon suddenly appeared outside the cell bars.

"Guards! They're trying to escape!"

"Alright then…" Bright grabbed Gulf and shifted them to the hospital leaving Mew Behind.

To be continued.

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