Three Hours

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Gulf laughed as Bright knocked down Ohm in the sand. Gulf saw his chance and he charged for Bright, charging for him, pumping his arms for speed…faster….He leapt for the Angel, tackling him with all his strength.

As they careened to the ground Bright's shoulder popped out of place and he bellowed with rage. "You're going to pay for that, Gulf!" Gulf only chuckled.

"Too slow man." Everyone cheered.

Gulf looked around wondering why Suppasit wasn't there yet. He wasn't in the water or was at the bar. Dodging Bright as he charged for Gulf he asked Fluke, "Fluke have you seen Suppasit?" Fluke looked around frowning.

"I haven't." Panicking Gulf asked everyone else but got the same answer. Everyone looked around afraid for Suppasit. Bright stood up helping Ohm as well.

"Maybe he took a walk?" There was worry in Ohm's voice. For a brief moment Gulf was happy that they all had accepted Suppasit despite him being a Demon.

"Ok everyone split up, he couldn't have gone far." Bright instructed. Everyone nodded and took off in the air.

Half an hour had passed with no sign of Suppasit. "You think he shifted?" Gulf hesitated. He didn't know. What if he left back to Hell?

"Mr. Gulf." Gulf turned to see Nine. "I saw him fly to that mountain's edge." Nine pointed to where Suppasit was currently sitting at the end point of the crescent mountain watching the ocean.

Gulf signed in relief. "Thank you Nine." Nine only nodded and went back to sit down on the swinging bed. Gulf thanked everyone for helping him. He stretched his wings and flew to Suppasit.

"Suppasit! What the fuck? You scared everyone! How the hell did you get up here? You flew?"

Suppasit turned his head and hesitated. "Sorry, I didn't mean to worry everyone, and yeah i can fly now."

Gulf's anger left him as he noticed the sad expression on Suppasit's face. "Suppasit?"

"What?" He looked away from Gulf to look out to the ocean again.

Gulf sat down next to him, his wings engulfing him. "What's wrong?"

Suppasit shook his head. "Nothing"

"Suppasit." Gulf grabbed his face gently and turned his head toward him. "You know you can trust me. Anything that's on your mind I'm here to hear you out." He kissed his lips softly. "I will always be here for you."

Suppasit merely nodded. He looked to the ocean again not saying anything for a while.

Suppasit rested his head on Gulf's shoulder, surprising him. Suppasit was always so hard, never showing much emotion and this was, to Gulf, a miracle in the flesh.

"I haven't seen the ocean in so long." Not knowing how to respond, Gulf stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue. "Where I lived there was an ocean outside my window. I always loved visiting the water." Suppasit's voice shook as he admitted, "There was blood on the water from those I knew, from my friends, when I escaped that place. I haven't wanted to see the ocean since."

Gulf held Suppasit close, aching for the boy who had to go through that.

"Suppasit…what happened that day?" Gulf hesitated, afraid that he might be imposing too much.

Suppasit stayed quiet again, he looked to be fighting an inner battle. They both watched as the sun sprayed orange around the sky. Suppasit reached out and grabbed Gulf's hand, squeezing it.

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