Create a Monster

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Gulf's heart stopped as he saw Mew slash Demon after Demon with grace, he was like a predator stalking his prey. How did he get free? Why was he killing Demons?

Mew's eyes were red, emotionless; they were the eyes of a killer. He was coming closer and closer to the Gate. Demons took a look of his eyes and started to back away, fear evident in their eyes.

"He's lost control again!"

"Run! He will kill us all!"

"The Demon inside is awake!" The wise Demons retreated back out the Gate as the foolish ones went after Mew.

Demons screamed as Mew made his way down. The cannons fired and sprayed him with the chemical but he was still able to shift and fly. How? Gulf fought, keeping his sights on Mew.

A gang of Demons attacked Mew; panicked Gulf could do nothing as he watched them shift all over him, some managing to slash him with their swords. He had no armor; he could easily be killed that way. But Mew was skilled and managed to dodge the death blows.

Mew shifted and didn't come back. The Demons looked around waiting for him to shift back.

Heads rolled down.

Gulf gawked. One second there, the next their heads were on the ground. Now Mew was in another group doing the same thing.

Such speed…

Gulf pondered as he fought. Lose control? What did the Demons mean? Why was he killing Demons? He didn't understand.

A fist hammered into Gulf, the impact throwing him off, he was on his feet in an instant. He ignored his sword for this one. Hard knuckles connected with the Demons mouth. A Demon came to help but was decapitated with Gulf's sword.

Breathing hard he looked at Mew again.

Predatory growls sprang from Mew's lips as he thrust his sword behind him capturing the Demon straight to his heart and then thrust it into the Demon in front of him. Mew didn't fight fair. He dashed and ducked, threw punches, kicked and slashed. He used whatever was necessary to win.

Never has Gulf seen such beauty in savagery.

Gulf was so entranced by Mew that he didn't sense a Demon making his way behind him. There was no time to react as he felt someone jump on him. He fell down face first; his hands were pulled behind his back.

"We meet again Angel." Gulf froze, it was the bastard again. He felt the bite of metal around his wrists. "Mew, if you want your Mate then follow me." Type shifted them inside Sanagnan.

They were in the Hall of Truth.

Gulf lost his breath as his eyes met with the three councilors. They were on the ground bound and injured. Bright was next to them bleeding profusely.

Ohm was shifted in last as two High Demons grabbed him by the forearms. He was injured the worst; blood covered his armor and mouth, there was a deep wound to his side, and he was fighting to keep conscious.

Type chained him down and dumped him next to Bright.

Gulf growled. Type smirked at him. "Well I guess we're just going to be quiet until Mew comes."

"What do you want with Mew?" Off asked.

"I just want him. He is my greatest creation and I want him to finally see that the darkness is the right path."

Gulf frowned. He didn't understand what was happening.

"That's it?"

Type shook his head. "I want Mew to rule with me. With him by my side there won't be anyone who would dare challenge us."

"Mew won't do that, he hates you too much." Off argued

"That's his weakness. His anger. His hate. I can try to control him when he is out of control. I will make it so that he never regains consciousness."

Gulf's struggles abruptly ceased. The revelation had no doubt confounded him.

"But he's already…" Type turns to Gulf.

"Ah, yes that's right. I forgot about you." Type shrugged, deciding to ignore Gulf.

"What do you mean about Mew losing control?" Off asked regaining his attention again.

"Mew has repressed his Demon instincts. He needs to satisfy the Demon inside, the love of pain, misery, and discord. Pressure builds and when he's pissed off he loses control. Everyone fears him as he destroys everything like I never seen before." Type signed in pleasure. "To have that power…delicious."

"We thought Mew already led the war."

Type looked frustrated. "He's good." Type spat at the word. "He doesn't do any harm. Hell, he never killed any Angel but Demons. It's annoying to know that. He avoids trying to lead the army."

Gulf began to sweat. What was going on? Wasn't Mew already on their side?

Off noticed his reaction. "Gulf, Mew didn't betray you."

"What…?" He rasped.

They felt someone shift in.


Panic settled in his chest causing Mew to wake up to dead Demons at his feet. Why did he wake up?

With violent shudders, he struggled to breathe. A cold sweat beaded his skin. His wounds still haven't healed yet.

Frowning Mew watched as the remaining Demons ran back into the Gate, leaving the cannons behind. Angels around him cheered, some slapping him on the back.

"I never seen anyone fight like that!"

"You need to teach me Suppasit."

They still didn't know who he truly was. Mew was relieved at that. He only had a few more moments in heaven before he disappeared to his home on Earth.


Mew scowled at himself. He didn't need Gulf. He didn't need love. He needed to find Type and kill him once and for all.

Gulf truly does hate me.

Mew clenched his teeth as his heart pained him as nothing had before, it made him want to howl with misery. A sharp, stabbing agony flared with every beat.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I should have known…I should have known…

An image of Type taking Gulf burst through his thoughts. He instantly shifted to a white room where Type was.

"Ah, there he is."

Mew met Gulf's eyes and instantly looked away. Outside he was calm, indifferent. But inside he crumbled. The Mates pull was so strong it frightened him with how much he was feeling.

Mew shifted to the side sensing the demons behind him swords trusting into thin air where he was at.

"Watch as I create a monster now." Type told everyone. Everyone stayed silent, looking at Mew. What did he mean? Whatever it was Mew was determined to disappoint Type.

Mew took his sword, readying to kill him.

"Mew…Do you know why your family died? Do you know why those human suddenly attacked with fear in their hearts?"

Mew frowned. Why was he bringing that up? He dimly remembers telling Type about his family and the surprise look on his face. He thought it was sympathy.

"Remember what I said about how Demons put fear in their hearts?"

Mew gasped understanding.

"I told them they were going to die soon; that their enemy's will kill them slowly as if they were already in hell. When you told me your story I found out that it was the men I influenced. And it was your castle I watched burn to the ground."

Rage freed itself from the numbed Mew, letting Mew lose control easily.

He attacked.

To be continued.

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