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Not getting enough sleep, I wake up like shit again. Slowly, I leave the bed and go downstairs to prepare breakfast. Now, it is the only meal we have together so I am sure to prepare it well.


I put the knife down and check my phone. I already know the sender as at six am, there can be only one person who is awake; Li Qiang. He is the son of Li Jie's boss. We met two years ago at their company gathering. That night, Li Jie was too busy to talk with the managers of the company so I was sitting alone, watching Li Jie using his charms. At first it was fun to watch, but after two hours I got very bored.

Then, Li Qiang showed up with two glasses of vine. For the rest of the night he kept me company, telling me funny stories about their clients, employees and his weird experiences. He was very easy-going and funny so thanks to him, I had a great time.

A few weeks later, we met again for another company gathering, and he added me on Wechat. It was the beginning of our friendship. After that point on, we started to send each other random messages daily and meet occasionally for a coffee. We are at the same age (27) so we get along pretty well and I cherish him dearly although Li Jie does not like this situation, maybe because Li Qiang keeps calling him "old guy".

[Today will be boiling hot, be careful when you go out for lunch!]- LQ

I smile reading the message. He is really caring, he never forgets anything I tell him. He even remembers that I have a lunch arrangement today with the combination of my dislike for the hot days.

[Thank you, I will take an umbrella with me, haha!]- ZW

[And a litre of sun lotion, haha!]- LQ

[Don't tease me!]- ZW

[Can't help!]- LQ

Putting the phone back to the table with a smile, I continue with cooking. 

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