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I silence the alarm before it wakes up Li Qiang. Then I leave the bed to prepare breakfast but not before giving him a kiss on his temple.

I have just started to cut the vegetables when a pair of arms encircle my waist.

"Why did you wake up?" I turn my head to look at him as he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"You don't have to wake up this early to prepare me breakfast everyday," he says softly and kisses my neck.

"I enjoy doing so," I drop the knife and put my hand on his, "and I love having breakfast with you."

"Such an angel I caught," he nuzzles his nose to my neck before saying "then I will help you as I am already up."

"No need," I say but he already has his apron on him.

"What shall I do?" he asks as if he has any idea about how to cook.

"You just wash the rice and the remaining vegetables." I cannot let him get hurt early in the morning or set the kitchen on fire, right?

"Yes sir!"

He handles the task diligently while I am cooking. When everything is ready, we sit on the table to eat. Like usual, during breakfast, he is talking about random stuff but I am listening carefully nonetheless.

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