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"Zhang Wei?"

I open my eyes slowly, "Li Jie?"

A hand grabs mine, "it is me, Li Qiang. Can you see me?"

I nod as I now see Li Qiang's ash colour face which is inches away from mine.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks with eyes brimming with worry.

I feel exhausted but the pain in my stomach subsided, not churning anymore. "I am better, thank you," I reply with a hoarse voice. After all that retching, my throat hurts profusely.

He lets go of my hand and pours some water into a paper cup, "drink this, it is warm," he passes me the cup.

I take a sip and it really helps my throat. Giving the cup back to Li Qiang, I ask "what happened?"

He sits on the edge of my hospital bed, holding my hand which is free from the needle. "Doctor said you had food poisoning, but they applied gastric lavage so you are okay now."

I nod, "did you take me to hospital?"

"Yes, I brought you here, I almost had a heart attack, seeing you unconscious on the bathroom floor."

"I am sorry," I whisper apologetically while looking around, "where is Li Jie?"

He averts his eyes, nibbling his lower lip. He does that whenever he wants to hide something.

"He didn't come..." What else I expected?

He gives me a gentle squeeze on the hand, "I am sorry."

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