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"Oh my God! Zhang Wei!" Li Qiang catches my falling body, "what's wrong?"

"Toilet..." I manage to say in between my hand pressed to my mouth.

He understands, gathering me into his arms, he rushes towards the bathroom in the room. I lean on the toilet bowl immediately, retching but only bile comes as I have nothing left in my stomach.

"Why are you crying? Is the pain that bad?" Li Qiang asks nervously while rubbing my back.

I cannot even answer. I just slump to the floor as there is not even bile left. Li Qiang gets some paper towels and cleans up my face. After flushing the toilet, he carries me back to the bed, and pushes the button to call the doctor who shows up immediately with a nurse.

"It is not related to the food poisoning, he seems under a lot of stress. Do you want me to suggest a psychologist?" I hear the doctor saying to Li Qiang who seems very agitated.

"No need, thank you doctor," he sends the doctor away, then sits on the edge of the bed, his eyes are fixed on me.

"Tell me what happened," his tone is dead serious.

"I saw the messages," I say honestly. There is no need to beat around the bush.

He sighs heavily while rubbing his temples. "I should have deleted them," I hear him mumbling, "or I should have come back earlier."

"It is not your fault that he is an asshole," I try to sound normal, but he knows me better so I change the topic, "where were you though?"

"I bought your medication, then I went out to buy you some clothes as they had to get rid of your clothes in the emergency," he grabs the bag from the floor and places it on the chair, warming my broken heart as I still have someone who cares for me.

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