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"I saw Li Jie today," Li Qiang says while drying the plate in his hand.

Hearing the name, I shake a bit and I spill the coffee on my hand. Hissing, I leave the cup to the kitchen counter again.

"What happened?" In a second, Li Qiang stands next to me, checking my slightly burned hand. "I shouldn't have said it like that, sorry," he says apologetically while holding my hand under the cold water.

I know he still has some questions in his mind so my reaction must have upset him although he pretends it is okay.

I close the tap and drag him to the living room.

Sitting side by side while still holding his hand, I ask "when did you see him?" as casual as possible. I have to show him that Li Jie has no effect on me anymore.

"Do you still remember the meeting two years ago?" he asks and I nod. How can I forget that blessing in disguise day? He continues "he was right, that meeting apparently was very important for him because he is working for that company now. They sent him for the meeting today."

I am shocked, well, at least he was not lying that day. "Wow, you should have sensed that when he suddenly resigned."

"I thought it was related to you," he answers, looking straight into my eyes.

"Nothing was related to me in that year," I give him a gentle squeeze on the hand, "and nothing is related to him for the last two years."

His eyes get wider because of bold remark, but he composes rather quickly, "are you sure?" he asks with hesitation.

I nod determinedly, "he is just an old name, nothing more."

A huge smile spreads on his lips and I lean forward to kiss that smile.

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